A Faithful Ally Who Stands Within Us Series
Contributed by Troy Luttrell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In Christ we have complete salvation, forgiveness, victory, and growth.
• As the Apostle Paul continues to write, we find that chapter two is a sobering wakeup call to the church. The true church of Jesus
Christ will always be at war until the return of Christ. Last week we looked at how our enemy the devil seeks to knock the church
off of her Foundation. His attack is aimed at destroying Christ’s preeminence, the Gospel, and a Christian’s personal walk with
Christ. Satan will try to deceive, kidnap, judge, or disqualify the child of God in their spiritual walk. But we are not alone…!
• Ill: What’s the value of an ally? Buffalo flips lion (Youtube)
• In this passage this morning we are going to notice that Paul is going to use the phrase “in Him” or “with Him” 8 times in these 9
verses. It is a reminder to the church at Colosse, that Jesus Christ is never far away from His children. We are not alone!
• 2:9 is once again a reminder from Paul that Jesus is God. In Him, physically dwells all the fullness of God, and He now lives in
each believer…..”God in us!” Beautiful words!
• 2:10 – “you are complete in Him…” He is all you need!
Proposition: In Christ we have complete salvation, forgiveness, victory, and growth.
I. Christ is All You Need To Believe In.
II. Christ is All You Need to Stand For. (key verse – 1:7)
A. Withstanding the assault from without.
B. A Faithful Ally who stands within us.
1. An ally who saves me. (2:11-13a)
• With the language Paul uses, it would seem that the false teachers were preaching that either/both circumcision
and baptism where part of salvation.
• Paul takes both physical activities and shows us that in these acts themselves we are not saved, but rather
salvation is found in Christ.
• Note the fellowship with Christ image: It is Christ that has circumcised the heart. We have been buried with Him in
baptism. We have been raised to new life in Christ.
• These metaphors prove that salvation is exclusively a work of God, nothing that man can bring to the table.
2. An ally who forgives me. (2:13b-14)
• His forgiveness gives me true life; allows me to live (13b).
• His forgiveness erases all my debt. (Impossible debt, heavy debt, deadly debt)
• His forgiveness was accomplished on the cross. A criminals crimes were written out and then nailed to their
cross. Jesus did not have any sins written down, He bore our sins on the cross. His judgment read “King of the
Jews!” “He who knew no sin became sin so that we might be righteous.”
3. An ally who rescues me. (2:10 &15)
• Jesus is above all spiritual powers (10)
• Jesus has defeated all spiritual powers, none are able to win. It is no secret that the demons and devil were
publicly humiliated at the cross.
• 2 Cor. 2:14-16 Roman triumphant march
4. An ally who strengths me. (2:6-7)
• Max Anders writes, “when we stop going forward, we stall; when we stall we can fall.” Christians are not called to
be tumbleweeds, but trees.”
• Our journey begins with “receiving Christ”, but it does not stop there. We must “walk with Him”. Walking means
continual loyalty and unswerving confidence in the Savior and His Kingship.
• Rooted = stability and growth to produce fruit
• Built up = maturing and growing
• The more we are rooted the stronger our faith becomes.
• As a result “a thankful believer is not easily led away from Christ.
Conclusion: Ill: story of an ally/coming along side
• Last week we saw ways that Satan tries to knock a Christian off the Foundation. His main tool is sowing seeds of doubt. Accuser
of the brethren Rev. 12:10
o “He can’t save you” - answer from Scripture
o “He has not forgiven you”
o “He can’t help you now”
o “You are too far gone to be helped/strengthen”
• Summary: In the fight we have an victorious ally. Keep walking with Christ. Stayed filled with His Spirit. Be forgiven in Him.