
Summary: All of the O.T. and the N.T. wants to answer the two ultimate questions of life: Is there a God? Does he care about me? If so where does he dwell? How can I connect to Him? Will he involve Himself in my history?

The Game of Thrones- Israel’s Experience with Human Kings”

“Where Does God Dwell?”

We are coming to the end of our sermon series: The Game of Thrones – Israel’s Experience with Human Kings.” Only two sermons left.

I do not believe that we can understand the New Testament;

And I do not believe that we can understand Jesus, apart from this question; Where does God dwell?

All of the O.T. and the N.T. wants to answer the two ultimate questions of life: Is there a God? Does he care about me? If so where does he dwell? How can I connect to Him? Will he involve Himself in my history? How are sins forgiven?

Let’s begin where we left off last week.

Where Does God Dwell

1. Where do the children of Israel meet and connect with God? ___________________________ Exodus 33:7ff)

2. What is the purpose of the “Sin Offering” as noted in Leviticus 6:24-7:6 _________________________________

3. What is the Day of Atonement? Leviticus 16:34 ______ _____________________________Leviticus 17:11 _______ _______________________________

4. I Kings 8:6-11 the Dedication of the New Temple by Solomon. What does the “cloud” tell you? __________

5. How long did God promise to “dwell” in the “temple” in Jerusalem? __________________________ I Kings 9:1-3

6. What was the condition? “if”_______________________ _______________________________________ I Kings 9:6-9

7. God “moved” from the “tabernacle” to the “temple” would he move again if “human kings” don’t work out? _______

8. Matthew 12:1-8 (especially v 6) is difficult to under-stand unless you believe that the “King of Kings” decided to be born in a manger in Bethlehem.

9. Luke 1:30-33 What did the angel tell Mary? _________ ______________________________________ What did the angel tell Joseph? Matthew 1:20-24__________________ _________________________________________________

10: What does John the Baptist say when Jesus arrives at

the Jordan River? John 1:29 ____________________

11: Matthew 8:23-27 Jesus “calms the storm” The disciples

Much like people today must decide something about

Jesus. Is he a “man” or is He “God” come to earth?

What did the disciples say?______________________

12. How does Jesus try to tell God’s people that God has “moved” out of the temple? Mark 2:1-11__________


13. In case you are not sure…. What does Jesus do next?

Matthew 9:18-26 ___________________________________

14. Another Storm! How do the disciples respond? What

is their decision about Jesus? Matthew 14:22-33


(insert copy of the OT. tabernacle)

How will you choose to have your sins forgiven?

(Insert a copy of the O.T. sacrificing for a sin offering)


Colossians 1:15-22 Is there another “if”….

(insert a copy of Jesus on the cross)

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