
Summary: Boaz accepted the right to marry Ruth and God blessed them with a son. The women of the town named him Obed, since God had redeemed Naomi.

I. The Preparation of Boaz

1. He recognizes the priority of the kinsman.

a. 4:1

b. In the fact there is a kinsman ahead of Boaz who could redeem Ruth, so Boaz goes looking for him.

c. The most likely place to find Him. The city gates.

1) People would congregate, watching for those returning and those departing.

2) There you could find the latest news.

3) The city hall or courthouse business transactions

4) Legal and judicial affairs were conducted at the gates.

2. He rallies the elders of the city

a. 4:2

b. The elders possessed far reaching power.

c. Boaz needs them as witnesses of the redemption of Ruth.

3. He remembers the Moabitess

a. 4:3-5, 9-10

b. Verse 4, word “advertise” means to “uncover” to acquaint one with the facts.

c. Boaz informs the other kinsman of the sale of Naomi’s property.

d. After presenting the land, Boaz then presents the lady.

e. He explains that Ruth must be redeemed also.

II. The Plight of the Near Kinsman

1. Ruth 4:6-8

2. He fails to redeem the inheritance. 4:6

3. The kinsman had to meet several requirements to redeem Ruth and her property.

a. He had to be a near kinsman.

b. He had to be able to redeem

c. He had to have the resources to redeem the person a poor person would be unable to do the task.

d. He must be free himself a slave could not redeem another slave.

e. He must be willing to redeem the person.

1) Jesus was a near kinsman.

2) He has the power and ability to save us.

3) He was free from the bondage of sin.

4) Christ was willing to redeem us.

4. The theme of this chapter is about redemption.

a. There is no redemption without paying a price.

b. Hebrews 1:3

5. He favors the right of Boaz.

a. Ruth 4:6

b. He being unable to redeem the inheritance, the kinsman recognizes Boaz right to do so.

6. He follows the custom of the day.

a. Ruth 4:7-8

b. What Boaz planned privately he paid the price publicly.

c. Ephesians 1:4

III. The Praise of the People

1. Ruth 4:11-12

2. They are witnesses to the redemptions 4:11

3. They are waiting on the Lord. 4:11

4. They are wishing blessings upon Boaz. 4:12

a. Ruth has gone from loneliness to love.

b. From rigor to rest.

c. From disgrace to delight.

d. From poverty to plenty.

e. From anxiety to assurance.

5. What made the difference?

6. Someone paid the price for her.

IV. The Pride of Naomi

1. Ruth 4:13-16

2. She hears the words of the women.

a. Ruth 4:13-15

b. Ruth is compared to seven sons, why?

c. Seven sons symbolized the supreme blessings that could fall upon a Hebrew family.

3. She helps with the work of Ruth.

a. Ruth 4:16

b. Naomi nurses the child.

V. The Pedigree of King David

1. Ruth 4:17-22

2. The women rejoice with Naomi that she will be cared for in her old age.

3. The women name the child Obed, means servant worshipper.

4. One of the most important details of Ruth is given here because it reveals the family tree of King David.

5. A look at the meaning of these names also reminds us of the history of the fall and sin of man in the first five names and his redemption and salvation by grace in the last five names.

6. Reminders of our sin.

a. Pharez, breach, when man sinned there was a breach between man and God.

b. Hebron, enclosed in bondage, man became a slave to sin and was bound by his wickedness.

c. Ram, high, a reminder of our pride.

1) The pride of Lucifer lead to his fall.

2) The pride of men makes them resist the Lord.

d. Aminadab, people of liberality.

1) Every man does that which is right in his own eyes.

2) The emphasis today is on our rights and freedoms.

3) Not our responsibilities.

e. Nahshon, enchanter, Satan is the great enchanter and tempter, luring men into his snares.

7. Reminders of our salvation and service.

a. Salmon, garment, Jesus clothes us with the robe of righteousness. The garments of salvation.

b. Boaz, in the Lord is strength, Jesus gives strength each day to live for Him.

c. Obed, serving, we are to be serving the Lord each day and putting Him first in our life.

d. Jesse, wealth, our source of blessing and inheritance is in Christ.

e. David, beloved or well loved, Jesus is our security.

f. He loves us and will never leave us nor forsake us.

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