
Summary: exposition on Matt ch 6


Matthew 6 v. 1 - 18

God’s warnings - against hypocrisy " take heed " and God’s will - how to work, fast and pray

The Marks of the Christian life There are duties:-

(1) To others . v . 1 - 4 Almsgiving or good deeds

(2 To God v. 5 - 15 Praying

(3) To ourselves and God v. 16 - 18 Fasting

Note prayer is to be:-

1 in private v. 6 "enter into thy closet"

2. to a person v. 6 "pray to thy Father which is in secret."

3. with a promise "and thy Father shall reward thee openly"

v. 9 the model prayer remember there is to be:-

(a) Association in prayer "our Father" if God is our Father there must be:-

redemption, reconciliation, and regeneration. Jesus said of some in John 8 v. 44 "ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do"

(b) Recognition in prayer "which art in heaven" -heaven is an existent place,

an inhabited place, & an eternal place

(c) Adoration in prayer "hallowed be thy name" (kept holy) - His name is to be kept high, holy, & honoured at all times as it speaks of His character.

(d) Anticipation in prayer "thy kingdom come" by the:-

(1) communicating of the gospel

(2) conversion of sinners

(3) consecration of saints

(4) coming of the Saviour Zechariah 14 v. 3 - "Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle."

an earthly kingdom with it’s heavenly King

(e) Consecration in prayer "thy will be done" -

1. God’s will is to be sought "thy will"

2. God’s will is to be wrought

3. God’s will is to be taught God wills:-

(a) Salvation 1 Timothy 2 v. 4 "who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."

(b) Seperation Romans 12 v. 2 - "be not comformed to this world."

(c) Sanctification 1 Thessalonians 4 v. 3 "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication, that everyone of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour"

(d) Supplication John 15 v. 7 "if ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you."

(e) Conformation in prayer - "on earth as in heaven," God’s rule in Heaven is :-

unrivaled, unquestioned, and unequalled

(f) Supplication in prayer v. 11 "give us this day our daily bread." -Give what? - bread, Give when? - daily, Give why? -our dependance on God alone.

(g) Contrition in prayer v. 12 "forgive us our debts" - " if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

(h) Obligation in prayer v. 12 "as we forgive" as we have already forgiven those that have trespassed against us." e.g.Joseph, " ye meant it for evil, (how true.) but God meant it for good", Jesus, " Father forgive them,( why?) they know not what they do.", Stephen, " lay not this sin to their charge." (why? their condemnation is great enough.)

i.e. the willingness to forgive v. 14

(i) Direction in prayer "lead us not into temptation" - don’t allow us to be overcome by evil

(j) Salvation in prayer "deliver us from evil" i.e.from an evil conscience, an evil heart of unbelief, this present evil world, evil speaking, every evil work, evil communications, all appearance of evil, and ultimately the evil one

(l) Conviction in prayer " for thine is the kingdom,and the power,and the glory." so we have:-

(a) Commitment to the will of God, the acceptance, allegiance, and acknowledgement of His Lordship.

(b) Confidence in the power of God - this power is revealed in Christ, received by faith, and realized through obedience

(c) and Concern for the glory of God

(m) Affirmation in prayer -" forever Amen - let it be.

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