The Joy Example Series
Contributed by Gregory Neill on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part 6 in a series on Philippians focusing on the example of faithful Christians
The Joy of Example
I. Introduction
A. No one to Help
1. In San Bernardino, California a reporter arranged for a man to lie in a gutter on a busy street.
a) Hundred of people passed by over a period of several hours.
b) Not one person stopped to render aide.
2. Several years ago in Detroit teens discovered a woman in a phone booth.
a) They carried her to a nearby house and rang the bell, asking for help.
b) The owner of the house replied, “Get off my porch and take the woman with you.”
3. A Kentucky doctor, driving down the road, witnessed an accident.
a) He stopped to render aide to the victims.
b) One of the drivers he helped filed suit against him.
B. Where have all the good guys gone?
1. In our world it seems like they have disappeared.
a) They don’t care.
b) They don’t want to get involved.
c) They don’t want to deal with the consequences of being a “good guy.”
2. Philippians 2:19-30
a) We are introduced to two of the “good guys” of the Bible.
b) Timothy and Epaphroditus are two disciples that demonstrated a proper example for serving
C. From this Dynamic Duo we learn much about our example.
1. Timothy
a) From Acts 16:1-3
b) Mother was Jewish, Father was Greek.
c) He was well spoken of.
d) Taught by his mother and grandmother – 2 Timothy 1:3-5
e) Served with Paul in the work – Philippians 2:19-24
f) Timid and shy – 2 Timothy 1:7
g) Youthful – 1 Timothy 4:12
2. Epaphroditus
a) Only mentioned in the book of Philippians.
b) He was a Gentile.
c) Tradition says that he became an elder in the Philippian church.
3. Five characteristics of their joyful example.
II. Six Characteristic of a Joyful Example
A. Communicate Joy and Concern (19)
1. “…that I also may be encouraged when I know your state…”
2. Paul looked forward to Timothy’s presence in Philippi
a) Paul called Timothy his true son in the faith – 1 Timothy 1:2
b) Paul had confidence in Timothy’s ability to express the joy of Christianity to the saints and then express their joy to Paul.
3. We are to be communicators of Joy
a) That we might comfort one another – 1 Thessalonians 5:11
b) That we might encourage one another – Hebrews 3:13
c) That we might full one another’s joy – 1 John 1:4
d) Through our words and our actions – 1 John 3:18
B. Care for Others (20-21)
1. “For I have no one liked-minded, who will sincerely care for your state. For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ.
2. Paul sets forth three keys for caring for others.
a) Singled Minded – Having a mind like Christ (2:5, 1 Corinthians 11:1).
b) Sincerity (meaning) – Genuinely concerned about the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of others.
c) Seeking Christ – Not desiring anything for self, but all for Christ – Colossians 3:17, 23
C. Character that is Proven (22).
1. “But you know his proven character, that as a son with his father, he served with me in the gospel.”
2. How to Have a Proven Character
a) Personal Mentoring – Paul looked after the spiritual progress of Timothy
b) Proper Training – Timothy was given the resources to grow in the faith (1 Timothy 4:12-16)
c) Parental Guidance – Ephesians 6:4
d) Preaching the Gospel – Timothy preached and practiced the good news of Christ – 2 Timothy 4:2, 4:5
D. Cooperative Attitude (25)
1. “Yet I consider it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier, but your messenger and the one who ministered to my need.”
2. Five Descriptions that denote cooperation.
a) My brother – Fellowship in the gospel (Relationship)
b) Fellow worker – Furtherance of the gospel (Responsible)
c) Fellow soldier – Fighting for the gospel (Resolve)
d) Messenger – Preaching the gospel (Revelation)
e) Minister – Serving with the gospel (Resourceful)
E. Committed to the Cause (26-30)
1. Epaphroditus has been sick.
a) It concerned him that the brethren were concerned about him (26).
b) Paul related his sickness to the work of the Lord.
2. Evidence of his Commitment
a) Concern for Paul – He ministered to him
b) Concern for the Philippians – He was distressed for them.
c) Concern for the work of Christ – Giving no thought for his own life (Revelation 12:11). Verse 30 is indicative of persecution.
d) Concern for the growth of the church – Supply what was lacking.
III. Conclusion
A. Where have all the “good guys” gone?
1. Timothy and Epaphroditus are two of them.
a) Their example was seen before men.
b) Their example led others to Christ.