
Summary: Our God is incomparable. He stands alone in power, majesty, wisdom, and glory. No one and nothing can be likened to Him in heaven, on earth, or beneath the earth.


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 40:25

“To whom then will you liken Me, or to whom shall I be equal? says the Holy One.”

Supporting Texts:

Isaiah 46:5

Jeremiah 10:6-7

Psalm 86:8-10

1 Chronicles 17:20

Exodus 15:11


Our God is incomparable. He stands alone in power, majesty, wisdom, and glory. No one and nothing can be likened to Him in heaven, on earth, or beneath the earth. The Bible is filled with numerous declarations of His incomparability, showing His supremacy over idols, creation, and all beings. This study will explore the uniqueness of God, His attributes, and why He deserves our absolute worship and trust.


God’s power knows no limit. He created the heavens and the earth by His spoken word and sustains all things by His might.

a) Creator of the Universe:

God alone is the Creator. No other power or being has the capacity to bring forth life from nothing (Genesis 1:1).

b) Sovereign over All Creation:

All of creation bows to His will, and He exercises dominion over everything He has made (Psalm 24:1-2).

c) Power Over Nature:

God's power over nature was demonstrated in the parting of the Red Sea, the calming of the storm, and countless other miracles (Exodus 14:21, Matthew 8:26).

d) Power to Save and Deliver:

God’s power to save is unmatched. He delivered Israel from Egypt and delivers His people from sin and oppression (Psalm 20:6).

e) Power Over Life and Death:

God holds the keys of life and death; no one can compare to His authority over our existence (Revelation 1:18).

Biblical Example:

The power of God was vividly displayed in the showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. God answered Elijah’s prayer by sending fire from heaven, proving that there is no god like Him (1 Kings 18:36-39).


God’s wisdom is beyond human comprehension. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, and His ways are far beyond our understanding.

a) The Source of All Wisdom:

God is the source of true wisdom, and He gives wisdom to those who seek Him (James 1:5).

b) His Wisdom Is Perfect and Unfathomable:

No one can fully understand the depths of God’s wisdom, which is far superior to human knowledge (Romans 11:33).

c) His Plans Are Flawless:

God’s plans for His people are perfect and good. He knows the end from the beginning and works all things for our good (Jeremiah 29:11).

d) His Counsel Stands Forever:

The counsel of the Lord stands forever, and His wisdom cannot be thwarted by any force (Proverbs 19:21).

e) God’s Wisdom in Redemption:

God’s wisdom is most clearly displayed in His plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. No one could have imagined such a profound and gracious solution to humanity’s sin (1 Corinthians 1:18-25).

Biblical Example:

Solomon, known for his wisdom, acknowledged that his wisdom was a gift from God. Yet, even Solomon’s wisdom pales in comparison to God’s infinite wisdom (1 Kings 4:29-34).


God’s glory shines brighter than anything in heaven or on earth. His majesty and splendour are unmatched.

a) The God of Glory:

God's glory fills the heavens and the earth. He is clothed in majesty and splendour (Psalm 104:1-2).

b) God’s Glory in Creation:

The beauty and majesty of creation reflect the glory of God. The heavens declare His glory, and the earth is filled with His handiwork (Psalm 19:1).

c) Manifestation of God’s Glory:

God has revealed His glory to His people in various ways, including the pillar of fire, the burning bush, and the transfiguration of Christ (Exodus 33:18-23, Matthew 17:1-2).

d) The Glory of God in Christ:

Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being. In Him, we see the fullness of God’s glory (Hebrews 1:3).

e) Eternal Glory in Heaven:

God’s incomparable glory will be fully revealed when we see Him face to face in eternity. His glory will light up heaven, and we will worship Him forever (Revelation 21:23).

Biblical Example:

When Isaiah saw the Lord seated on His throne, high and lifted up, he was overwhelmed by the glory of God. The whole earth was filled with His glory (Isaiah 6:1-4).


God’s love is unlike any human love. It is unconditional, unchanging, and eternal.

a) God Is Love:

Love is not just something God does; it is who He is. His love is the foundation of His character (1 John 4:8).

b) His Love Is Sacrificial:

God demonstrated His love by sending His only Son to die for us while we were still sinners (John 3:16, Romans 5:8).

c) His Love Is Everlasting:

God’s love never fails. It is constant and unchanging, reaching from eternity past into eternity future (Jeremiah 31:3).

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