Pointers And Patterns Series
Contributed by Michael Catt on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This series will help you to develop and deepen your relationship with God.
Selected Scriptures
There is much confusion today about the subject of holiness/ sanctification/ separation.
We’ve been confused by terms that are not Biblical. Terms like:
☛ second work of grace.
☛ second blessing.
These terms can be confusing – whole denominations have been built on these terms. I am not going to argue w/ anyone, but we’re actually dealing with this two distinctly Biblical issues.
It’s not either or – it’s both/and. Both begin at the moment of salvation. THEY ARE DIFFERENT - but the same. Can’t have 1 w/out the other. This isn’t true when you hear people talking about a second work of grace or a second blessing. Typically, those terms are used to define something that some get and some can’t get.
Set free from guilt Set free from desire to sin
spiritual birth spiritual development
event process
were sinners now sons
Holiness – sanctification – isn’t for elite group who have a gift or experience - it is God’s plan for all believers.
I’m skeptical of any believer who asks, ‘Have you got it?’ - NO, BUT I HAVE HIM! Jesus is holiness personified
Holiness & sanctification is simply loving God w/ all my mind, heart, soul and strength and loving my neighbor as myself.
Holiness is not optional – it is a command, ‘Be holy as I am holy..’ GOD’S COMMANDS ARE GOD’S ENABLEMENTS. God calls us to be holy and gives us His Holy Spirit to empower us to be holy.
SANCTIFICATION – everything God does to make us like Jesus. It begins the moment I come to Christ. It continues in a process that results in a changed life.
The Latin santificatio, means the act/ process of making holy, consecrated. Greek - the same root is word is the basis for words like: "holiness," "consecration," "sanctification" "to sanctify," "consecrate," "treat as holy," "purify" "saint."
When we were saved, we were set apart now, day by day – moment by moment – decision by decision - the Holy Spirit helps us, molds us, empowers us to be like Jesus.
We are in a daily battle - struggle - in this area – The Bible assures us of victory - but we have to cooperate so God can operate. This is a growth process - there is no magic formula - instant sanctification.
Typically, there is a crisis point in our lives, we come to a life changing decision – not for salvation, but Lordship.
✖ I realize I can’t control my life. I get sick and tired of being sick and tired.
✖ I quit playing church games and go for it...I sell out. No more resistance. I count the cost and move forward. It’s putting my all on the altar.
✖ I hunger and thirst after righteousness. One passion - to know God, obey Him, seek Him w/ all my heart.
THE POINT WHERE WE DIE TO SELF – where we fully, willingly, knowingly, say, ‘I want all that God has for me.’
Through the pages of the O.T. we find numerous examples of God calling His people to holiness.
A. ABRAHAM - Abraham had a defining moment in his life. God called him to begin a pilgrimage of faith. He promised Abraham guidance, blessings.
Gen 17:1Now when Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, "I am God Almighty; Walk before Me, and be blameless.
Before God ever made the demand, he made a pledge, “I am God Almighty’ – El-Shaddai - the all-sufficient God. The God who enables me.
‘blameless’ - perfect/ complete - adjust your life to my will. A call to consecration and total commitment.
We’re all familiar w/ the story of Jacob wrestling with the Angel of God – the divine encounter that changed his life. In this wrestling match, I believe Jacob learned something about God, but he also learned something about himself – he was resisting God, limiting God in his life. Jacob the twister needed to be defeated. The supplanter needed to be supplanted. He had to be crippled so he could be crowned.
When you read through Exod., Lev., Numb., Deut. & Joshua you find God’s dealing with his covenant people. These books give us a picture of COMING OUT OF BONDAGE AND ENTERING INTO VICTORY.
It doesn’t do any good to be set free from the penalty of sin if you aren’t willing to walk in victory over sin.
Deut. 6:3 ‘He brought us out... so that He might bring us in....’
J. Sidlow Baxter ‘It is one thing to cross the Red Sea out of Egypt as the redeemed of the Lord; it is a very different thing to cross the Jordan into the land of promise, and possess the covenant inheritance and it’s fullness of blessings.