
Summary: Fear is a terrible thing. According to God’s Word, fear brings “a snare," “torment," and “bondage.” The good news is that no believer has to be paralyzed by fear.

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Overcoming Fear During The Storms Of Life

Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52, John 6:15-21


1. Physical storms can be very scary (hurricanes), but the storms of life can bring incredible fear (sickness, loss of job, death of a loved one, divorce, etc.).

2. Here in our text, the disciples encounter a physical storm (vs. 22, 24). They were crossing the Sea of Galilee, which should have been a two-hour boat ride across the northern tip of this sea. Nine hours later, they are fighting for their lives in total darkness, in the middle of the sea, in the middle of the night (3 AM).

3. Christ was not in the boat (vs. 23), and they knew they could very well drown. The physical storm they encountered caused them to perceive that death was imminent. Fear gripped them (vs. 26-27, 30).

4. Fear is a terrible thing. According to God’s Word, fear brings “a snare”

(Proverbs 29:25), “torment” (1 John 4:18), and “bondage” (Hebrews 2:15).

5. The good news is that no believer has to be paralyzed by fear. 2 Timothy 1:7

6. Maybe you are a believer in Christ, but your heart is constantly gripped with fear. It may be that it has imprisoned and ensnared your life. However, you can overcome it!

7. There are some precious truths in this story that we will examine. If you allow them to sink deep into your heart and mind, it will release you from your fears, and you can trade your fear for the peace of God. Colossians 3:15

Christ is with you in the storm.

1. The context of this story is that John the Baptist had just died. Jesus wanted to be alone, but crowds were coming to Him. While in the desert, Christ had just miraculously fed over 5,000 people with five loaves and two fishes.

2. The crowds were ready to inaugurate Him King and begin to lead a revolution against the Roman government (John 6:15). His disciples did not yet understand that the cross must come before the crown, so lest the disciples get caught up in this movement, Christ sent them away (Matthew 14:22). Christ went up into the mountain to pray (vs. 23).

3. But Christ knew exactly where the disciples were. Christ is the one that sent them away in the boat. He constrained (compelled) them to get into the ship.

4. He had His ever-watchful eyes on them (Mark 6:48). He may not have been there physically, but He was there in spirit. What a picture of the future day of Jacob’s trouble, when dark clouds and storms will threaten to destroy Israel, but their faithful High Priest will see it all in heaven and come to their rescue. Out of Zion comes the Deliverer.

5. But did you know the same is true of you today, if you know Jesus Christ as your Savior? He knows the storm you are in; He knows all about it, and He knows all the details.

6. Not only this, He is right there with you in that storm. Did you notice that when the storm was at its worst, Jesus was right there in the midst? vs. 24-27

7. When we doubt God’s presence in the storm, rest assured, He is there!

Hebrews 13:5-6

8. God will not wave a magic wand and make all the storms of life go away. In Mark it says “the wind was contrary unto them…” Isn’t that a picture of life? The winds of life won’t always be at your back. Storms are a built-in part of this earth because of the curse of sin.

• But one day, Christ will return to this earth, and upon that return the Bible says “…and there was no more sea.” Revelation 21:1

9. One day there will be no more storms of life (Revelation 21:4). But until that day, Christ is with you through every storm of life you encounter. Nothing can separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39) or His presence (Ephesians 1:13-14; 4:30).

10. Did you notice what happened when Jesus entered the ship? vs. 32

11. If Jesus lives in your heart, He can bring a peace, calm, and tranquility that will supersede any storm of life. Philippians 4:7, 11

Christ is praying for you in the storm.

1. Isn’t it great to have people praying for you when you are in the midst of a storm? What if I told you that Jesus Christ himself was praying for you?

2. Look in our text. While the disciples were in the storm, Jesus was in the mountain praying for them. vs. 23

3. Today, Christ is not in a mountain, but He has risen from the dead and ascended to the right hand of the Father (Ephesians 1:20-21), and the Father has placed all things under His feet (Ephesians 1:22). The waves that are over our head are under His feet!

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