
Summary: I choose not to argue with the words of God found in the Quran, Torah, or Holy Bible because the truth must be spoken whether it offend our sinful souls or not.

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I proclaim a much-overlooked truth in this statement. Allah, Jehovah, God, or however you chose to call Him is the the same God. He is the God found in the Torah. He is the God found in the Quran as well as the Holy Bible.

Now in all of the aforementioned books, the reader digest versions of God blessing Abraham to become the father of many nations consist of Hagar being the handmaid of Sarah, the wife of Abraham. Since Sarah was upset because she remained barren, a hasty and disturbing decision was made. Somewhere within the time Hagar lived with the couple, Abraham slept with Hagar.

However, God can still work through our sins and in spite of our iniquities. From this unexpected union and disconcerted union, God brought forth a child. Proud of the gift from God, Abraham pronounced the child his son and heir. He named this child Ishmael and taught him about his God. The rest of this story we already know.

Ishmael became the father of a great nation because during Ishmael’s childhood and young adulthood, his father taught him to believe in God. Abraham circumcised him along with all that was his as a covenant seal to his God. However, things soon reversed themselves because God promised Abraham a son from Sarah.

One day, a male child was born and Isaac came into the world. Ishmael and Isaac grew up together for a while as brothers and sons of Abraham. Abraham taught them to worship the same God. Nevertheless, human pride and jealousy stepped in causing Hagar and Ishmael to leave the household of Abraham. Now, I am not a student of the Quran or the Torah, but when Abraham died, the brothers laid aside their differences in order to bury their common father.

Therefore, the spirit of God brought me to the conclusion that the God of Abraham, Ishmael and Mohammed mentioned in the Quran is also the same God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob mentioned in the Torah as well as the Holy Bible. However, I do not believe that Jesus, the Christ is a god or a prophet. He is actually more than that.

In the scope of human history, God the creator directly intervenes into the course of human history. Because the full glory of God is impossible for the physical universe to take, something will always happen when God makes a step our way.

When He intervened in the beginning, God created man. When man walked away by believing what man wanted to believe, God made a step toward man to save man from the deadly effects of our trespasses and sins. The Quran, the Torah as well as the Holy Bible tell us that the wages of our sins is death. The soul that sins shall surely die.

Therefore, God had to find a way to correct our awful mistakes. The Son of God was born to a virgin and his name was Jesus. As this child grew, the Holy Bible tells us that he grew in wisdom and statue. In his adulthood, he did things that nobody could do, said things people understood, and stepped in the way of organized religion to bring man directly before God. His name tells the story.

Jesus was actually God walking among us. However, during that day a desire not to hear the truth overwhelmed man’s reasoning and reality. Saddening and confusing decisions were made to kill Jesus, The Son of God instead heeding the truth he said.

Now, if that were the end to the story, it would be a sad story indeed. However, in spite of the commotion of the crowd then and now shouting crucify him, The Son of God laid upon a Roman (gentile) made cross accused not of blasphemy by his Jewish brothers and sisters.

Not only had he claimed to be The Son of God, Jesus claimed to be the one who was one with the God of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, and Jacob. The Holy Bible tells us the story. In the beginning was Jesus because Jesus is the word of God made flesh. It reveals that in the beginning the word was, is, and always will be God, not a god.

Now, I choose not to argue with the words of God found in the Quran, Torah, or Holy Bible because the truth must be spoken whether it offend our sinful souls or not. Although I am not a student of the Quran and Torah; the Holy Bible rightfully calls those born outside of the covenant of Abraham infidels, gentiles, or dogs.

However, the only thing that ultimately matters is what God has said and will say. If we confess our sins to God, God calls us righteous. If we believe that God sent Jesus, God calls us saved. If we follow the walk of Jesus, God calls us sons and daughters of God. If we follow the ways of Jesus, God calls us a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. We became God’s special possession so we can declare the praises of God. We declare His praises because God called us out of darkness into his wonderful light.

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Ken Kimberley

commented on Apr 7, 2016

Just a little studying would show you how wrong your opening statement is! The God of the Bible and the Torah is indeed the same God, however the god of the Koran is a totally different god. In Christianity he is known as Satan.

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