
Summary: These sermons served as the foundation for Max’s newest book, Facing Your Giants. The giants we face today may be unemployment, abandonment, sexual abuse, depression, bills, grades, whiskey, pornography, a career, a mistake or a future.

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“Facing Your Giants”

1 Samuel 17:40-51

These sermons served as the foundation for Max’s newest book, Facing Your Giants.

THEME: The giants we face today may be unemployment, abandonment, sexual abuse, depression, bills, grades, whiskey, pornography, a career, a mistake or a future.

Introduction: In Max Lucado’s latest book, Facing Your Giants, he points us to God’s answers for our real life giant struggles. Actually, the title is half of the battle. We must face the giant. No hiding, no running away, no cowering in fear.

Transition: The obvious Biblical starting point is the story of a boy and his battle with the giant.

I. The Odds Are Against You.

The slender, beardless boy kneels by the brook. Mud moistens his knee. Bubbling water cools his hand. He is searching for rocks. Stones. Smooth stones. The kind that stack neatly in a shepherd’s pouch, rest flush against a shepherd’s sling. Flat rocks that balance heavy on the palm and missile with comet-crashing force into the head of a lion, a bear, or, in this case, a giant.

Goliath towers above them all: nine feet, nine inches tall in his stocking feet, wearing 125 pounds of armor, and snarling like the main contender at a World Wide Wrestling Federation championship night. He wares a size 20 collar, a 101/2 hat, and a 56-inch belt. His biceps burst, thigh muscles ripple, and boasts belch through the canyon. “This day I defy the ranks of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other” (1 Sam. 17:10 NIV). Who will go mano a mano conmigo? Give me your best shot.

What odds did Daniel have against his giant? Better odds perhaps than you give yourself against yours. Your Goliath doesn’t carry sword or shield; he brandishes blades of unemployment, abandonment, sexual abuse, or depression. Your giant doesn’t parade up and down the hills of Elah; he prances through your office, your bedroom, your classroom. He brings bills you can’t pay, grades you can’t make, people you can’t please, whiskey you can’t resist, pornography you can’t refuse, a career you can’t escape, a past you can’t shake, and a future you can’t face.

How long has he stalked you? Goliath’s family was an ancient foe of the Israelites. Joshua drove them out of the Promised Land three hundred years earlier. Saul’s soldiers saw Goliath and mumbled, “Not again. My dad fought his dad. My granddad fought his granddad.”

You’ve groaned similar words. “I’m becoming a workaholic, just like my father.” “Divorce streaks through our family tree like oak wilt.” “My mom couldn’t keep a friend either. Is this ever going to stop?” When Saul and his men heard the Philistines’ challenge, they were terrified (1Sam. 17:11).

Transition: With all the giants we must face, where is our focus?

II. Do You See God?

But what am I telling you? You know Goliath. You recognize his walk and wince at his talk. You’ve seen your Godzilla. The question is, is he all you see? You know his voice – but is it all you hear? David saw and heard more. David’s first discussion, although it was about Goliath, was on the Lord. “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he defy the armies of the living God?” (1Sam. 17:26) David shows up discussing God. The soldiers mentioned nothing about him, the brothers never spoke his name, but David takes one step onto the stage and raises the subject of the living God. He does the same with King Saul: no chitchat about the battle or questions about the odds. Just a God-birthed announcement: “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of the Philistine” (1 Sam 17:37).

No one else discusses God. David discusses no one else but God. A subplot appears in the story. More than “David versus Goliath,” this is “God-focus versus giant –focus.” David sees what others don’t and refuses to see what other do. All eyes, except David’s, fall on the brutal, hate-breathing hulk. All compasses, sans David’s, are set on the polestar of the Philistine. All journals, but David’s, describe day after day in the land of the Neanderthal. The people know his taunts, demands, size, and strut. They have majored in Goliath.

David majors in God. He sees the giant, mind you; he just sees God more so. Look carefully at David’s battle cry: “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel” (1Sam. 17:45)

Transition: David sees the armies of God. And because he does, “David hurries and runs toward the army to meet the Philistine” (1Sam. 17:48).

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Jim Brennan

commented on Nov 10, 2006

Excellent! I appreciate a well crafted sermon that anyone in the congregation can grab a hold of.

John White

commented on Nov 11, 2006

It's great to know that others also believe we can face any giant Satan raises up against us in this postmodern world!

Marvin Davis

commented on Nov 26, 2006

AWESOME, What a gift God has given to Max. A Pastor's Pastor/ Teacher....Thanks, Lord!!!!!

Rex Johnson

commented on Dec 7, 2006

Good stuff Max!!! What a gift you have to communicate to everyone. You are an excellent writer and we are blessed people that get to read your work. Thanks!!!

Rex Johnson

commented on Dec 7, 2006

Good stuff Max!!! What a gift you have to communicate to everyone. You are an excellent writer and we are blessed people that get to read your work. Thanks!!!

Joe Benjamin

commented on Jan 5, 2007

Awesome series, but I'm not surprised.

John Phillips Jr

commented on Jan 5, 2007

As a member of the body of Christ, I have a sincere appreciation of Max as a great communicator and gifted writer. However, what touches me is that he is blessed with the ability to share God's word so that the common man can understand!

Timothy Gardner

commented on Jan 13, 2007

Very interesting and so true. Thank you for sharing.

Roberto Gonzalez

commented on Jan 16, 2007

Excellent!! As all of Max Lucado's sermons.!!! I'll appreciate them very much

Rick Balmer

commented on Sep 27, 2007

Makes things simple enough for anyone to understand and is the same way in person. Currently reading Everyday Deserves a Chance.

Don Kennedy

commented on Aug 4, 2010

Dear Max. I meet you once at Kentucky Christian University. My wife is going to have an operation 8-10-2010 on a cyst on her tail bone, part of the tail bone maybe removed. Your sermon thoughts bring comfort. Thank you

Ruel Hernandez

commented on Apr 27, 2011

Max you''re such a blessing to the body of Christ. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous Contributor

commented on Mar 6, 2012

Leslie Alvarez says... Facing Your Giants is facing our promblems and hopes with God right by our side in life of possibilty of course is not always easy but remember With god i can do all things through strengthens me in life in the good or bads he''ll never fail you this is a really amazing preaching teaching us of how to face our giants so FACE YOUR GIANTS! Go Max Thanks for the message.......

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