Everybody Makes A Contribution In The Church Series
Contributed by Kenneth Squires on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The success of the Christmas story, a fortune 500 company, or a church/ministry that grows is the result of a team spirit.
God enjoyed great success that first Christmas 2,000 years ago because He put together a willing team who worked together to get the Christ Child deposited in Bethlehem. He even made sure appropriate birth announcements were given. God used a team of willing servants and unsuspecting individuals to execute His plan of salvation for mankind.
Ø Herod plummeted the world into fear
Ø Shepherds gave the world glad tidings
Ø An innkeeper provided a makeshift birthing room
Ø A cousin offered a revelation
Ø A husband provided protection
Ø A city offered refuge
Ø Magi traveled a great distance with gifts
Ø Caesar issued a decree
The success of the Christmas story, a fortune 500 company, or a church/ministry that grows is the result of a team spirit. Friend, this must be intentional because it won’t happen by chance. A great team is built on three important factors: a God-given cause or purpose, an effective delivery system for communication, and a set of clearly understood and agreed upon core values. All three of these elements are clearly expressed by Matthew and Luke as they tell the message of Christ’s birth.
For years I have said we need three kinds of relationships in the body of Christ. If the church is to enjoy God’s blessing we need a Paul, a mentor who is building into our life weekly; a Barnabas, a peer who is walking alongside our life; and a Timothy, an understudy whose life we are building into. Do you have these people in your Christian life?
The story of Christmas is filled with all types of relationships that bless and build the body of Christ. We need each of them. This is not an exhaustive list, but it will get you started in understanding the value of this Body of Christ Christmas Contributors.
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” (Matthew 2:1-2)
They are affectionately called “magi” or “wisemen,” in the story. They come from the east. No names are given. No one is singled out. They came offering gifts and weren’t concerned about the cost, it was the value that motivated them. No one twisted their arms to come. Before ending up in Bethlehem they strolled through Jerusalem. The mountainous city at 3,000 ft. would not a be a walk in the park, but they were motivated to find the Savior. No effort would be wasted on the greatest journey of their life. That which is true of the magi applies to those who live all around us and are seeking a Savior.
The next person to be won to Christ by one of you in our church is sleeping off a hangover in Snohomish County jail today. This week, the next person won to Christ will hear the gavel drop that says, “Marriage dissolved.” They will break down and cry uncontrollably in the courtroom. The next person won to Christ is crossing the state line from California and moving into your neighbor’s house that just sold two months ago.
God has another assignment for you; you were made for winning people to Jesus. God is working in the world today. Find out what He is doing and become a part of it. He wants none to perish. We, you and I, are the end of the book of Acts. Jesus wants us to “Come to Him” and “Go for Him.” We should be doing both each week. If you will quit praying selfish prayers asking God to bless you and start working for God and representing His agenda you’ll not lack anything in this life.
If your neighbor had cancer and you had access to the cure, it would be criminal to keep the information to yourself. It would be equally criminal to rob people of learning how to have peace, prosperity, and purpose. The greatest gift you can give someone is your time and a little help for their journey with answers from God’s plan for their life. The only thing that is going to last forever is God’s purposes. Why not spend your efforts on those things that will last?
Our church needs three kinds of people in the body. First are those who have yet to find Christ. They may be living with a boyfriend. Still addicted to alcohol. Trying to wrestle with the existence of God. We need these people in our lives and in our church. It helps keep the importance of soul-winning in our spirit.
Next, we need those who are just learning to walk with the Savior. Infants in Christ taking their first steps with Jesus. People committed to saving their marriages. Those finding freedom daily from addictions. Many who regularly bring their friends to ministry events.