A Might Have Been Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 6th sermon in the series "Living In Times Of Spiritual Decay".
Series: Living In Times Of Spiritual Decay[#6]
Judges 13:1-16:31
As I look at the youth and children in our church, I see so much potential. There are possible presidents, teachers, scientist, doctors, lawyers, preachers, missionaries, etc… at our church. One of our kids could be the one to lead our city to revival. One of our kids could come up with the cure for cancer.
But, potential is not enough. Many of us here have not been mighty for the Kingdom but have been “might have beens” for the Kingdom because of our bad decisions. There are consequences for the decisions me make. There are also consequences for the decisions our children and grandchildren make. That it is why it is so important that we teach our children the ways of the Lord.
Now I want each of you to understand that once your kids are grown that they have to make their own decisions and unfortunately sometimes their decisions do not match their raising. At this point, all you can really do is pray for them and gently remind them of their errors. I know that the Bible says if you raise your children in the ways of the Lord that they will return to Him, but it does not say when. For Samson it was at the end of his life.
Each day you are on this earth, you need to realize that God has a plan for your life, a plan for you to prosper and do well; but you must be obedient to God for that to happen.
Judges 13:2-5
Samson was a child of promise from God. God gave Samson’s parents specific instructions on raising Samson and if you continue to read this chapter you will find that they were obedient to God up to the time Samson was born; but later on they began to tolerate some things that should have not happened. Those little subtle things can grow into big problems.
Look with me at 3 examples of a “might have been”:
Judges 14:1-3; 16:1-4
Samson was dominated by his attraction to women. Women were his flaw. He would see a beautiful woman and he wanted her. He could care less if she was a foreigner whom God had commanded the Israelites not to marry. He could care less if she was a prostitute. He could care less who she was. The devil knew what to tempt Samson with. Samson had been leading Israel for 20 years when Delilah came along; and after 20 years Samson had still not learned how to conquer his lustful eyes.
Not everyone is dominated by lustful desires. Some people are dominated by lying, others by cheating, others by stealing, etc… Whatever sinful things dominate you, are you willing to change? Are you willing to get rid of that junk? If not, you are a “might have been”.
Driving Force
Judges 14:10-15:8; 16:23-30
The driving force in Samson’s life was pride in himself. He knew that God had given him special power through his following of his Nazarite vows. He used his power from God in a selfish and prideful way. Now you may be wondering why God would allow that to happen; but I want to tell you that God allows us to make our own decisions.
As believers in Jesus Christ we have been gifts of the Holy Spirit. We don’t all have the same gifts, but all Christians have been given gifts. Although these gifts are from God, we can misuse them when we allow the flesh to win over the Spirit.
Samson was also driven by revenge against those who had hurt him. Every time someone did something he did not like, he killed them or destroyed their property. He was all about getting even.
Christians, if you are driven by revenge and selfish motives you are a “might have been”.
During the entire time of Samson’s rule as judge over Israel, the Philistines (the enemy) were never removed. Samson would fight them off if they made him mad, but beyond that he just let it go.
Whatever it is that hinders you as a believer, do you just let it go or do you have victory over it? If you are a New Year’s resolution type of person, but never make it past February; then you are a “might have been”.
What would Samson had been if he would have thrown off those sins that held him in bondage? What would Samson had been if he would have used his gifts from God for God instead of getting himself out of a fight?
Are you a “mighty servant” of the Lord or a “might have been”?