Wonderful Counselor Series
Contributed by David Welch on Apr 11, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: Fifth in a series on the characteristics of God as our father. This dealing with His wisdom and sound counsel.
“Chosen Children of a Perfect Father”
(The Fatherhood of God)
Part 5
I. The Likeness Factor
II. Unconditional love and acceptance factor
God’s love chose us. God’s love drew us into His family. God’s love removed all the obstacles to intimate relationship. God’s love supernaturally transformed us. God’s love reconciled us to Himself. God’s love keeps us in His family. Nothing in heaven or on earth can separate us from the love of God in Christ.
III. Protection and security Factor
References to God as our protector, shield, fortress, deliverer, everlasting arms, shelter, refuge and strength run all through the Bible. We are secure in Him. He writes us on the palm of His hand. He put His seal on us.
In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory. Ephesians 1:13-14 Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Eph 4:30
Our heavenly Father does not shield us from all suffering any more than He spared His own Son but watches over us and brings about His eternal purposes in us and through us.
IV. The Presence Factor
Every child of God longs for the manifested presence of God. We know He is everywhere but we long for Him to show Himself to us in tangible ways. Our Heavenly Father manifests various aspects of character through our lifetime. He may manifest His love at one time and His glory another. We may all of a sudden become aware of His great mercy and forgiveness. At another time, His absolute holiness may grip our consciousness. God’s presence may become more acute through particular events in our life. Just because He doesn’t manifest His presence at a particular time does not mean He has left us. Isaiah 40:27-31
Moses counted on God’s manifested presence to distinguish them from other nations. Exodus 33:14-16
Before his death, Moses encouraged the people to focus on the Lord’s presence with them.
Deuteronomy 31:6,8
Sometimes loneliness can be a tool that drives us to God. God will sometimes allow us to feel alone so that we will focus our trust in Him alone. Other times, we are unaware of His presence in our lives because we are so distracted by other things. Still yet other times God’s manifested presence becomes more noticed when we gather together with other believers in prayer and worship.
V. The Wisdom Factor
A. The Wisdom of God
Life in a broken world can be difficult. Life in a broken world often becomes complicated and confusing. What shall we do? How shall we live? How do I handle life’s difficulties?
God intended for parents to provide godly wisdom, direction, counsel, advice, insight, perspective. I have often longed to have a dad to ask for advice or just point me in a direction.
Of course we all know that not all fathers would give good advice or counsel. Not all fathers were even around or willing to be involved in our life. I felt alone. I felt like I was on my own.
Without encouragement to stretch and a father’s affirmation, I usually choice things I thought I could handle.
Of course my Heavenly Father had different plans and I found myself in some pretty horrific situations requiring me to cry out to Him and trust His loving care.
He is the all-knowing God. He knows everything about everything everywhere in every age.
He knows actuals and possibles. What was and what might have been, what is and what will be.
Paul called Him the “God only wise.” Here are just a few of the passages referencing the perfect wisdom of God.
Psalms 147:4-5 Romans 11:33-36
Listen to Daniel’s prayer of thanks for God’s insight. Daniel 2:20-23
Isaiah 40:13-14; 40:28 Psalms 104:24
Not only does God know about all things in general. He also knows all there is to know about me personally.
Psalm 139:1-6 Hebrews 4:13
Our Heavenly Father knows everything about you and yet still loves you. There is no reason to hide. There is no reason to avoid exposure. God already knows all about it. My sin, my sorrows, my thoughts, my intents, my dreams, my failures and successes, my frustration, my pain, my confusion, my struggles. He not only knows but encloses me in His loving care and directs my life with His loving hand.
B. The Direction of God
We would expect a good father to provide direction for life in a complicated and scary world.
Our Father is such and father and provides personal direction in life.