
Summary: As humans, we have a natural tendency to defend and justify ourselves when we feel attacked, criticized, or threatened.

Scripture Reference: Luke 16:15, "You justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God."

As humans, we have a natural tendency to defend and justify ourselves when we feel attacked, criticized, or threatened. However, this worldly mindset can lead us down a path of self-deception, pride, and separation from God. In this sermon we'll explore the biblical perspective on defending and justifying oneself, and how it contrasts with the humble and surrendered heart of a believer.

The worldly mindset is characterized by a need to defend and justify oneself. This can manifest in various ways, such as:

1. Self-justification: Making excuses or rationalizing our behaviour to avoid accountability.

2. Defensiveness: Becoming overly protective of our image, reputation, or ego.

3. Pride: Elevating ourselves above others and refusing to acknowledge our weaknesses or mistakes.

4. People-pleasing: Seeking validation and approval from others, rather than from God.

The Bible teaches us that defending and justifying ourselves is a form of self-idolatry. When we prioritize our own image and reputation over our relationship with God, we are essentially saying, "I am my own god." This mindset is an abomination to God, as it rejects His sovereignty and wisdom.

Scriptural Examples

1. Saul's Defense: In 1 Samuel 15:13-23, Saul defends his actions, despite God's clear instructions. His self-justification leads to his downfall.

2. The Pharisees' Pride: In Matthew 23:1-36, Jesus condemns the Pharisees for their self-righteousness and pride. They justified themselves before men, but God saw their hearts.

3. David's Humility: In Psalm 51:1-12, David acknowledges his sin and humbly repents. He does not defend or justify himself, but instead seeks God's mercy and forgiveness.

As believers, we are called to surrender our need for self-defence and justification. Instead, we should:

1. Acknowledge our weaknesses: Recognize our limitations and vulnerabilities and seek God's strength and guidance.

2. Repent and confess: Humbly acknowledge our sins and mistakes and seek forgiveness from God and others.

3. Seek God's approval: Prioritize God's approval and validation over human recognition and praise.

4. Cultivate humility: Embrace a humble and surrendered heart, recognizing that our worth and identity come from God alone.

Defending and justifying ourselves is a worldly mindset that can lead us away from God. As believers, we are called to surrender our need for self-defense and justification, and instead seek God's approval, guidance, and forgiveness. By acknowledging our weaknesses, repenting of our sins, and cultivating humility, we can develop a heart that is surrendered to God and free from the need for self-justification.

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