The Fruit Of The Spirit Series
Contributed by Michael Martin on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Series on the Book of Galatians - Part 5 of 8
Intro to Galatians (Galatians 1:1-24)
The Galatian churches included those in the cities of Lystra, Iconium, Antioch of Pisidia, and Derbe which were established on Paul’s first missionary journey and revisited on his subsequent missionary trips.
The six chapters of this epistle are divided into three main sections of Paul’s teaching.
Chapters 1 & 2 are personal in nature and deal with Paul’s authority.
Chapters 3 & 4 are doctrinal in nature and deal with justification by faith.
Chapters 5 & 6, are practical in nature and deal with the application of the doctrine of justification.
I. The Greatest Way to Live (Gal. 5:22-26).
A. The "FRUIT" of the Spirit.
1. It has origins in another.
> It is not something that is produced by one’s self effort.
> Power from another source must be given.
> It is not YOURS, but of the Spirit (Zech. 4:1-6).
2. It starts as a seed and grows.
> If you will let the Spirit of God work in you, He will produce these fruits.
3. It benefits others.
> Bearing fruit benefits someone other than the tree that produces it.
4. We are to walk in the Spirit and bear the fruit of the Spirit.
> Notice the term is singular...
> The "fruit" of the Spirit "is"...
> Not the "fruits" "are"; but "fruit" "is"...
> The characteristics of the Spirit bearing fruit in you, are these described. But, the Spirit’s work in you is singular!
> If you walk in the Spirit, He will bear fruit in you, and it will be characterized by these mentioned qualities.
B. Note the divisions of qualities.
1. The first three deals with our relation to our Heavenly Father.
> Divine Love – Not sensual love or brotherly love.
> Divine Joy – That inward happiness and sufficiency that is not effected by outward circumstances.
> Divine Peace – Paul wrote that it was the peace that passeth all understanding.
2. The next three have to do with our relationship to others.
> Longsuffering – Ability to overlook the offences and failures of others.
> Gentleness – Kindness to others.
> Goodness – Love in action.
3. The final three deal with our relationship to ourselves.
> Faith – An abiding trust in God.
> Meekness – This is the right use of power and authority under control. Meekness does not equal weakness; Jesus was meek, but He wasn’t weak!
> Temperance – Self-control.
C. How to recognize counterfeits.
1. It is possible for the flesh to counterfeit some of the fruit of the Spirit.
> You can fake any of these attributes for a short time.
2. But the flesh cannot produce the fruit of the Spirit!
> You can not do these by nature. You will have to work at it, to fake it.
3. When the Spirit produces fruit, God gets the glory.
> When the flesh is at work, the person is inwardly proud of himself and pleased when others compliment him.
4. The fruit of the Spirit is to make us more like Christ for His glory, not for the praise of men.
> The end result of the work of the Spirit is to bring us into the likeness of Christ.
II. The "FRUIT" of the Spirit...
A. The Fruit of the Spirit is Love.
1. Love is the essential nature of God (1 Jn. 4:7-13).
> To be filled with God, is to be filled with love.
> To be empty of love, would be to be empty of God.
> Love is the out-ward manifestation of the Spirit’s in-ward filling.
> The Love FOR God is a work of the Holy Spirit. Love for others is a manifestation of the Spirit (Rom. 5:5).
2. Love Can Only Be Known By Its Actions.
> God’s love is manifest by the action of His gift of His Son (1 Jn. 4:9-10) [John 3:16].
> Love for God will manifest itself in love for one another (1 Jn. 4:20-21).
> Love for God will manifest itself in obedience (John 14:15, 21, 23; 15:10).
> Self-will, self-pleasure are the exact opposite of Spirit filled love.
3. Why Be Concerned About Showing Love?
> It is the Greatest commandment (Mt. 22:35-38).
> It is the Greatest of all virtues (1 Cor. 13:1-3; 13).
> It is the evidence of being saved (1 Jn 4:7-11; 3:10;14).
B. The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy.
1. There is a Great Need in Our Circles to Have This Attitude of God.
> The Psalmist wrote over and over about the "Joy of the Lord."
> Still many, including David, have on occasion lost their joy.
> There is a need in our circles to be reminded that God’s Spirit emanates joy.
2. It is Possible to Have This Attitude of God.