The Fruit Of Kindness Series
Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 9, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: People who do not grasp the theology of Christianity can easily grasp its love when they see it displayed in acts of kindness. Instead of thinking of kindness as a minor virtue, we need to exalt it to the level where the Bible puts it-a vital ingredient to being Christ like.
Allen Emery, one of Billy Graham's associates tells of his experience as a boy back in 1937. He
was travelling on a train with his father. One of the porters had a limp and was obviously in pain. When they inquired about it, they learned he had an infected ingrown toenail. After breakfast Allen
came back to his car and noticed the porter coming out of his parents room. He was crying, so Allen
followed him to the men's lounge and sat down beside him. "Are you crying because your toe
hurts?", he asked. "No," he said, " it is because of your daddy. Your daddy could see my toe was in
pain and suggested that I let him lance it and clean it out." The porter explained what his father did,
and he began to cry again. "Did it hurt that much?" Allen asked. "It didn't hurt at all and it feels
fine now," he responded. "Then why are you crying?" Allen asked. Let me finish the story in
Allen's own words. The porter made this reply-
Well, while he was dressing my toe, your daddy asked me if I
loved the Lord Jesus. I told him my mother did but that I did not
believe as she did. Then he told me that Jesus loved me and had
died for me. As I saw your daddy carefully bandaging my foot,
I saw a love that was Jesus' love and I knew I could believe it.
We got down on our knees and we prayed and, now, I know
I am important to Jesus and that He loves me.
With that he started crying again, happy and unashamed.
When his sobs subsided, he earnestly burst out, "you know,
boy, kindness can make you cry." I understood. I also
understood that a living illustration like this can never be
forgotten and the privilege of seeing such events is a
responsibility of life.
One father, by bearing the fruit of kindness, led a man into the kingdom of God, and gave his son
a lesson in love that changed his life forever as well.
Kindness is no wimp among the virtues. The reason we tend to think so is because it is a virtue
that even pagans can manifest in a strong way. Paul, who makes a great deal of the importance of
kindness in the Christian life, recognizes just how kind pagans can be. In Acts 28 when the storm
wrecked the ship, and all were forced to swim for their lives to the island of Malta, we read in verse
2, "The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was
raining and cold." In verse 7 we read, "there was an estate nearby that belonged to Publius, the chief
official of the island. He welcomed us to his home and for three days entertained us hospitably." In
verse 10 the story ends with these words, "they honored us in many ways and when we were ready to
sail, they furnished us with the supplies we needed."
These pagan people treated Paul and Dr. Luke as kindly as they were ever treated by their
Christian friends, and far more kindly than what they received from some Christians. This kind of
competition has, instead of challenging the Christian to a higher level of kindness, led them to
minimize its importance. It is embarrassing when a non-Christian is more kind than a Christian, and
so to save face the Christian says it is no big deal to be kind. Kindness is just a natural gift of some
personalities, they say, and so, even though it is nice, it is of no credit to anyone, anymore than it is
to have blue eyes. Kindness is just the luck of the draw, and a matter of genetics, and should not be
given much value as a Christian virtue. If my pagan neighbor is kinder than me, it is due to his or
her heritage, and does not make them better than me. With this kind of rationalizing, Christians have
been able to send kindness back to the minor leagues. The only problem is that the New Testament
stresses that kindness is a major league player. It has a contract with God to play on the highest
level, and we can't fire it or push it out of the big leagues.
Paul settled this once and for all when he said in his great love song of I Cor.13, in verse 4, "love
is kind." God-like love is kind. There is no escape from this fact, kindness is a primary virtue and
part of the image of God in man. The fact that this image can still be reflected in non-Christians is
no excuse to minimize it, but rather a reason to recognize that God's people should display it in its