
Summary: The fifth commandment is the probably the most important to observe. Because this commandment focuses on the family unit.

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The fifth commandment is the probably the most important to observe. Because this commandment focuses on the family unit. Let me be clear, a family is NOT a child or a group of children who have 2 parents of the same sex! That is an abomination and a disgrace! The family unit consists of a mother, a father, and their children, period! There is no other! But this commandment is being trampled under the feet of socialist, dictating politicians who want to legalize abortion and same sex marriage. They have no regard or respect for God or the Commandments of His Word. And mark my words, THEY WILL stand before God on the Great Day of Judgment to answer for their sinful travesties against this country! Believe that!

Deuteronomy 5:16 says, "Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may be well with you in the land which the Lord is giving you". God is saying in this commandment that if you honor your father and mother, you will have long life and much prosperity. This is the only commandment God gave that comes with a promise. That promise is long life, prosperity, and with that you will have joy, peace and happiness all the days of your life. 

When I think about all the young people I have seen over the years being disrespectful to their mothers or fathers, it sickens me to no end. I have seen children throw the Christmas present their parents got them back in their face! I have seen children blatantly disobedient and disrespectful to their parents in public! I've seen parents and children argue with each other over the pettiest issues I've ever heard in my life! 

Our society has allowed acceptance where acceptance should never be given. Our society has allowed abominations such as homosexuality to become normal in this day and age. Our country has turned its back on God and His Commandments and this is the result of our choice! There was a time when this was a God-fearing country. We stood on the Word of God, and we held these Ten Commandments dear to our hearts every day of our lives! But now, we have tossed them aside like yesterday's newspaper! We have given in to peer pressure to have prayer and the bible taken out of our schools! The Ten Commandments that once hung so glorious in our government buildings, have been ripped off the walls by atheistic, God hating, self-centered people who have no idea the wrath that awaits them on Judgment Day!

Satan has always targeted the young people and the family unit. Don't you see what's happening out there? Think about all the mass shootings that have happened over the years. How many of them were committed by a young person? How many times have we heard about the transgender movement, the LGBTQ movement, celebrities claiming to be homosexual, bi-sexual, or transgender? Hollywood and social media have made heroes out of these people making them out to be brave and courageous for "coming out" as they say as what they claim to be. That is beyond an outrage! That is a sheer act of defiance to Almighty God! And if these people do not repent and renounce this satanic lifestyle, they will stand before God Almighty Himself to answer for their so-called "heroic" acts! 

Why does Satan attack us this way? Why does he influence men to be like women and women like men? Because we are created in the image of God. Satan sees that in us. He looks at us and sees the very face of God in our spirits. Because that's all he sees! He doesn't see out physical appearance, he sees our spirit man. And that's what he's after! The spirit of man. If he can distort that, he can distort our thinking, our mindset, and completely pull us away from God! Why would he do that? To take as many people to hell with him as possible! Satan knows he's doomed to be cast into hell's everlasting fire! His plan is to take as many of us with him as possible. The more people he can lure to hell, the more people there will be who will not be going to Heaven. That's his objective. That's what he plans. He knows his fate is sealed. This is the only objective he has left. Take as many of God's people to hell with him as possible. Why? To take from God what He values most! Us!

So, he targets the family. He targets the children, the mothers and the fathers. His intent is to divide and conquer. He figures if he can destroy the family unit, he can destroy God's plans for His children. The family has always been his target. That's obvious in the Garden of Eden. Satan didn't go to the man first, that wouldn't have worked. He went to the woman instead. Why? Because he knew the man would never listen to him. But he would listen to his wife. Wouldn't he? And that's what Satan did. He enticed the woman to eat of the forbidden tree and take it to her husband and entice him to eat. 

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