Redeemed Church Of God Series
Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on May 7, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: St.Paul wrote this epistle to the believers at Ephesus. He mentioned the importance of the believers and their role in the Church. God has called all of us, he has bestowed with special blessings and talents to us. Every one is unique in the Church.
Ephesians 4:11-16. Church Endeavor.
Introduction: St. Paul wrote this epistle to the believers at Ephesus. He mentioned the importance of the believers and their role in the Church. God has called all of us, he has bestowed with special blessings and talents to us. Everyone is unique in the Church. All are important.
Purpose of Existence (v.13)
The primary purpose of our existence in the Church is to become into the full stature of Christ – in maturity, in measure, in faith, in knowledge of the Son of God, in love, in compassion and mercy and sacrifice, emptying obedience to the father. We are no more a child, no more confusion in conviction, but to grownup in every way into him, not any other growth.
Other growths are the by-products of our walk and talk with God. Each part must work properly knit. Every ligament must be equipped and joined together.
How do you grow in the church? good or bad.
Good examples: some grow like Barnabas (Ac.4:36-37), like Demetrius(3Jn.12), like Stephen and Philip (A 6:3,5).
Bad Examples: some grow like Simon the magician (Ac.8:9-11,18-19). Like Judas (Mt.26:14, Jn.12:6) like Ananias and Sapphira (Act.5:2), Some are grown up like Diotrephes (3Jn.9-10).
Now What is your place in the Church? are you a builder of grace or destroyer of faith. God will destroy them that those who destroy the Church (1 Cor.3:17).
Purpose of Equipping
Equip the saints for perfection for two purposes: perfection from mending and from breaking. Complete the unfinished task or works. Church exists to complete the number. Remove the weeds and strengthen the seeds and proper plants.
1. Work of Ministry and
2. Building up body of Christ.
The work of ministry means it evangelism or social work. For John Wesley it was evangelism, social holiness and education. Three are important. We exist for spiritual as well as social development of the people. Community development is our work. Giving education, medicine, shelter, food everything is Ministry.
Doing mere social activities will not take you into heaven. Doing mere spiritual activity will not help the church to grow. Both are interlinked and important to build up the body of Christ.
Purpose of Excellence(brilliance)
God has ordained five kinds of ministries in the Church. Also, it was known as gifts: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. 1 Cor. 12:28 ‘and God has placed in the church’… Rom 12:6-8 ‘gifts differ according to the grace given to us’…. Commentator Ellicott says, ‘God gave or set and appointed’ in the Church. Mathew comments that ‘God gave everyone some gift of grace’. The gifts are for completing each other and not competent each other. Not to fight within but to fight the enemy as one force.
Ministry is very wide. Jesus did several kinds of ministries he had passed on to us through his disciples. God has ordained in Church, the ministry of evangelism, listening and counselling, prayer, healing, leading, comforting, cleansing the wounds, clothing the needy, feeding the poor, teaching, administering. 5 intellectual virtues and 4 ethical characteristics are part of spiritual gifts: wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
However, the important two-fold ministries of the Church are Evangelism and Discipleship. We can’t exist without those qualities. We are called to equip and excel.