5 Precious Things
Contributed by Steven Cook on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In 1 & 2 Peter, the Apostle Peter teaches about 5 things that should be considered precious by every child of God.
“Five Precious Things”
1 & 2 Peter
Dr. Steven G. Cook
I. Introduction
A. Read – 1 Peter 1:1-7
B. The 1st Epistle of Peter was written to suffering saints, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.
C. Peter writes this epistle to encourage them spiritually – We all need encouragement from time to time – and Peter, of all of the apostles knew what it was like to be discouraged.
D. Peter, as you know, was a colorful individual – He is always mentioned first among the lists of the apostles, and served as a spokesman for them.
E. Many times Peter opened his mouth only to put his foot in it, yet strangely enough, the Lord loved Peter dearly!
F. Excerpts of Peter’s Life – Discuss
G. No doubt Peter was a large, strong man, but the Lord had melted his heart.
H. Peter, having experienced many times of disappointment and discouragement, now reaches out to encourage these suffering saints who are scattered and discouraged.
I. 5 Times Peter uses the word “Precious” in 1 & 2 Peter.
J. This is a strange word coming from a fisherman – yet it is a word of great encouragement to those who have been discouraged.
K. What is most Precious to YOU? I love all women, but there is just one woman that I call “Precious” – my wife.
L. As we examine these 5 Precious Things may God help them be an encouragement to each of us here this morning.
II. Precious Trials of Our Faith (1 Peter 1:5-7)
A. It is encouraging to know that we are “kept (guarded) by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”
B. In God’s proleptic thinking, we are as good as already in glory!
C. What we experience in this life is meant to prepare for us for the life to come in heaven.
D. Why then do believers faced fiery trials???
E. Peter uses the word “trials” instead of tribulations or persecutions because he is dealing with “general problems” experienced by believers.
F. There are 4 Facts we should know about Trials: (vs. 6)
1. Trials Meet Our Needs – Notice Peter’s phrase, “if need be”; There are special times in which God knows we need to go through trials; Sometimes because we have disobeyed God’s Word; Sometimes to prepare us for growth; Sometimes to prevent us from sinning. We do not always know the reason, but we can be sure that God does what is best.
2. Trials Are Varied – Notice Peter uses the word “manifold”; This literally means “variegated; multicolored”; No matter what color our day is – whether a blue Monday or a gray Tuesday – God’s grace is sufficient to meet the need; Trials are varied and God matches the trial to our strengths and needs.
3. Trials Are Not Easy – Peter uses the word “heaviness”; This literally means “to experience grief or pain”; It is the same word used to describe our Lord in Gethsemane; Make no mistake about it – trials are difficult to go through!
4. Trials Are Controlled by God – “The greatest thing about trials is that they do not last forever!” Someone has said, “When God allows His children to go through a the furnace, He keeps His eye on the clock and His hand on the thermostat!” Sometimes He has to reset the clock, but when we submit to Him, He does not allow us to suffer one minute too long.
G. The ultimate purpose of such trials is to bring praise and honour and glory to Christ! (vs. 7)
H. No wonder Peter states that the Trials of our faith are Precious.
I. May God help us to learn that complaining and murmuring do not bring praise and honor and glory to God.
J. IF others see us do these things, what difference is there between us and those without Christ?
K. By the trials of our faith, we are more conformed to the image of God’s dear Son – we become more dependent upon Him Who has enabled us to be victorious in the past.
L. Read – Rom. 5:3-5; Phil. 4:11-13
III. Precious Blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-22)
A. The 2nd Precious Thing that Peter mentions to these suffering saints is the Precious Blood of Christ.
B. There are many today that have the wrong idea of salvation – They think that it is something that we are able to earn, merit, or achieve by ourselves.
C. When saints go through suffer the experience of trials, they often begin to doubt their salvation all together.
D. Peter encouraged these saints by reminding them of the fact that they are redeemed by the Precious Blood of Christ!