
Summary: Here are some suggestions how to give the "BEST" for our families.

I Choose...

For no man ever yet hated his own flesh;

but nourisheth and cherisheth it,

even as the Lord the church:

Nevertheless let every one of you

in particular

so love his wife even as himself;

and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Ephesians 5:29, 33

We often have unrealistic expectations of what our friends should do for us, while we ourselves don’t possess skills or the desire to care for their needs.

I agree with the answer one counselor gave to the question,

“What does it take to have a great relationship between two people?”

The answer is more simple than you may imagine, yet much harder to implement than you may expect...

Giving the “BEST” to our Closest Friends


Sharing good words with and about them

Use kind, thankful actions

Intercessory prayer


Since what we say is usually what we get, be sure to build up, not tear down, in our relationships

Provide emotional safety that builds trust


Develop “oneness” through quality time, working together, and sharing service together

Listen attentively without interrupting


Share handshakes or hugs often, whichever is most appropriate

Words promising commitment help too, when they are real

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