
Summary: Eight sermons that deal with eight unique characteristics of Jesus. Got the idea from Joe Causey.

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“Eight Unique Characteristics of Jesus”

“His Forgiveness”

John 8:1-11

A woman comes home one afternoon and tells her husband that the car won’t start. She says it is water in the carburetor. Her husband not wanting to be rude said "Dear are you sure? I’m not trying to be mean but you don’t know a carburetor from a spark plug." But the wife being ever so persistent said "I’m sure there is water in the carburetor." The husband finally says " Okay dear I’ll take a look at it where is at." She said in the lake. (ha ha ha) Have you ever had something you wish you could take back? Something you could do over again. I’d bet that wife does.

One a day there was a woman who was brought to Jesus by the ruling authorities. This woman was a debtor. The debt that she owed was so high that there was no way that she could ever repay it. But the debt that she owed was not a result of unpaid taxes. But rather it was a result of unforgiven sin. The authorities wanted her to pay the ultimate price. They wanted to condemn her to death by stoning. But before they carried out their plans, they brought the woman to Jesus to see what He might have to say about the whole thing. What Jesus did on that day changed her life forever. It gave her a brand new start.

This morning, as we see the forgiveness that Jesus gave that woman on that day, I want each of us to examine ourselves today. Because I believe that each of us are present somewhere in this story today. You may be like the woman – condemned by everyone and needing forgiveness. You may be like the Pharisees – self-righteous judges of others but unable to see your own fault and your own need. But hopefully, by the time you leave today, you will recognize your need to be like Jesus – the one who gave forgiveness when punishment was justified. Let’s read John 8:1-11.


The forgiveness that Jesus offers to us is not because of our innocence. It’s because of our guilt. The Bible states that when it comes to us being guilty or not guilty, that we are all guilty. (Romans 3:23) From the time of Adam and Eve until today, every person that is born will be born a sinner. “All” doesn’t mean me and not you. And “all” doesn’t mean you and not me. “All” means everyone. In fact, according to the Bible, admitting our guilt is a requirement to receiving God’s forgiveness. (I John 1:9)

Here in our story this lady was caught in the act. Have you ever been caught in the act of doing something wrong? Whenever you are caught in the act of doing something wrong, there is no point in arguing. The evidence is there. The witnesses can testify to the fact of your guilt. There is no use trying to blame someone else. The guilt is yours, and you must deal with the consequences. This woman was caught in the act. She was guilty of the crime. She didn’t put up any defense. The only thing that was left to be decided was what they were going to do about her guilt. What was her penalty going to be?


This woman, who stood before Jesus and the crowd, had just committed the act of adultery. The sin that she committed was a serious crime. It is not considered a serious crime in our day, but it was then. It was one of many crimes that carried the death penalty. It was ranked right up there with murder, kidnapping, witchcraft, offering human sacrifice. Can you picture the scene there? Jesus is at the temple, and He was right in the middle of teaching a group of people who were gathered around Him. All of the sudden, Jesus is interrupted by the shouts of many men and the wailing of one woman. All that she wants to do is to crawl into a corner and hide. She’s half-clothed, and the clothes that she does have on are about to fall off. Her accusers didn’t even give her time to get fully dressed when they caught her. The last place that she wants to be is near the temple. She feels so ashamed and so guilty. They won’t even allow her to curl up on the floor and hide her face. She is forced to stand in front of the crowd so that everyone can stare at her. There she is standing there for all to see her. She knew what she had done. And she knew that it was a sin deserving of death. But what she did not yet know was that no matter how severe her sin was Jesus could still forgive her. (Isa 1:18 NIV) "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

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