Godly Wisdom Series
Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: From the series Faith that works. Godly wisdom can only come from God, and substituting earthly wisdom only creates a life of chaos.
Godly Wisdom
James chapter 3:13-18
James 3:13-18
As we continue to look at practical teachings of James, we see today James is talking about wisdom. That there is two kinds of wisdom. There is wisdom that comes from heaven and there is worldly wisdom. Society wants to lie to us and suggest that you cannot have both and if you are seeking Godly wisdom that you are living with your head in the clouds and are out of touch to reality. I would challenge you this morning that for a Christian both are beneficial, but if you have to choose one, Godly wisdom wins every time. If fact, if you remember 1:5- James says that if you lack wisdom, you should ask God, and God generously will give it ... with the stipulation that you must believe that He will, not doubt, not be double-minded. Wisdom comes from numerous sources. We can learn from others, books, experiences, our up bringing from parents, formal education such as colleges, informal technical training like on the job training, and the most important, wisdom that comes from God’s Word. Wisdom should be something that we are all interested in. Book of Proverbs is full of Scriptures on wisdom.
“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom” (3:13)
“Wisdom is supreme, therefore get wisdom, though it cost all you have, get understanding.” (4:7) “Do not be wise in your own eyes. Fear the Lord and shun evil” (4:8)
When I say wisdom, what do you think of? Smart? Wise old man like Confucius sitting on top of a mountain bursting with knowledge and you have to find a way up the mountain. Dolly Lama- destined from birth to have all the answers of life’s questions. I have met some really smart people, and they have a wealth of knowledge that they are willing to share. I have met some people that are book smart, but they have no common sense. I have met people that are smart, know what they need to do and never bring themselves to do it. (V13) “ who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” let’s not run by that too fast. Just like faith without works is dead and meaningless. Wisdom without being active in your life is worthless.
I swear some heard God wrong. God said brains, and they thought trains, because they actively are going down the wrong track at full speed. If you are not able to apply wisdom and understanding, what good is it? The wisdom here is not only spiritual wisdom. It is practical. It is to be applied. It has feet. It is going to show itself in your life. How many times do you have to learn the same lesson? Armchair quarterbacks of life. Always quick to tell someone else what to do and how to act, but when it comes to their life, it is a mess. They are racing down the track at full speed, ready to hit the same old road blocks time and time again. How wise are you? According to God’s definition? Today we live in an age of information. Anything you want to know is available to you. They say information doubles every 4 years. They say that more information has been gathered in the last 30 years than the previous 1000 years. Knowledge is the accumulation of facts. Wisdom is taking knowledge and applying to our lives.
Wisdom can be learned from children.(Sermon Central)
Patrick, 10 years old- “Never trust a dog to watch your food”
Michael, 14 years old- “When your Dad is mad and asks you , do you think I look stupid don’t answer him.
Eileen- “Never try to baptize a cat”
Joel, 10 years old- “Don’t pick a fight with your sister when she has a baseball bat in her hand.”
Society equates wisdom with titles, and degrees, nothing wrong with degrees, I have an education, but wisdom is more than being able to speak a lot of information. The “expert” doesn’t always have all the answers. Proverbs of the Bible are observations of life. The observation I see in most people is disastrous. Proverbs 3:5 “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.” Society they would pick that apart and say.. I can’t trust in the Lord. Religion is a crutch, you want anything out of life, you have got to do it yourself. The only understanding is my own understanding, the way I see things. Weather, it is right or wrong, it is my understanding. The only path I will be traveling is my own path. To a believer behind that Scripture is a Omni present God with All Mighty power that you can fully put your trust and heart in understanding. That you don’t understand all, but he does and that he will not lead you astray and he will keep you on the right path and you acknowledge Him as Lord of your life. It doesn’t come without trials, but it does come with a peace that passeth all understanding.