Exodus, Part 5 Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 6, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: We are each called to be obedient … just as Moses (eventually) was. Imagine how much different life would be if we obeyed God? Prayerfully, we'll respond when He calls us as well.
Exodus, Part 5
Exodus 3:11 - 4:31
- Exodus is an incredible study of God's faithfulness to man
-- It is also a great encouragement to see man's ability to be faithful to God
- Last week we saw the call of Moses into the service of God
-- Today, we'll see Moses's replies to God's calling
- Read Exodus 3:11 - 4:17 / Pray
Point 1 - Moses' Five Arguments
- CONSIDER: God asks us all to go, to respond, to do something for Him
-- Christians are called into ministry … regardless of the format
- Moses makes five arguments for why he cannot obey the Lord
-- Most of us can come up many reasons why we do not serve God
- CHALL: I think if we are honest, we can see ourselves in at least one of these
" Argument 1: He felt incapable, unqualified (3:11-12)
- Moses expresses his own humanity and fear of the Lord
- Re: He was a simple man, a shepherd, not one who "goes"
- But God gives him a great piece of hope: I'll be with you
- APP: God was telling Moses … I will equip you
" Argument 2: He felt people were skeptical about God (3:13-22)
- Moses understood humans, and knew what people were going to say:
- "Tell us who this God is -- what's his name" … What should I tell them?
- Moses knew these people, and he knew some critical things about Israel
" They had turned away from God
" They had been tortured for 400 years
- We too live in a skeptical world, a world that easily denies God
-- However, they needed to know God … just as those we know do
- So, God says … Read v14
-- Moses was to declare to those: God sent me, and that's all you need
-God then reminds Moses what he is being sent to do
1. To remind the elders of Israel that He has always been there
2. That He has heard their cry, and has sent Moses to lead them
- APP: When the Lord makes a promise, we can count on it (Israel too)
" Argument 3: He felt that people would not believe Him (4:1-9)
- Now we are getting to the heart of the matter: It's about Moses
-See, he fears being personally rejected - being shunned/ridiculed
- So, God gives him a sign that he can use
-- He turns his staff into a snake … but more than that - tells him to pick it up
-- If you've ever seen how snakes are handled, it isn't by the tail
-- When he obeys, it turns back into a staff
- Additionally, God inflicted Moses' hand with leprosy
-- God was showing Moses His incredible power to inflict and to heal
-- APP: If they wouldn't believe the first sign; they'd believe second
- Then, God gives him a third sign - turn water from Nile to blood (v9)
-- APP: The Nile provides life source in the region … without it they'd die
-- Don't miss meaning: God held power of the very things necessary for life
- Consider: What kind of power must this God have to do these things?
" Argument 4: He felt that he was not eloquent; not gifted speaker (4:10-12)
- "I'm not a good speaker, God!" (Moses is just grasping now)
-- However, do you see what's going on here? Has no problem speaking to God!
- God's response: Who made man's mouth? Can't I control yours?
-- God says go, and He will provide the words to speak and how to say it
" Argument 5: Did not want to go; asked God to send someone else (4:13-17)
- Out of excuses, he just gives God the lamest one of all (yet truthful)
-- Moses wanted God to call someone else, get them to go … they will
- APP: Isn't it just like us to do this very thing?
- But notice God here, He is out of patience with Moses (v14)
-- Moses is rejecting God's call and suggesting He do something else
-- But, God gave Moses 5 responses to his excuses … and that was that!
- So, He gives him a helper … his brother Aaron
-- First, God tells him that Aaron will be happy to see him
-- That Aaron will listen to him, and then convey to the people
-- In essence, God would speak to Moses - and Moses to Aaron
- APP: He was giving Moses a helper; to walk with him and be an encourager
-- Even in His anger, God was giving Moses relief and help to do this job