Everything Happens For A Reason Series
Contributed by Jim Kilson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part 6 of 10 in a series dedicated to debunking commonly held myths that we think are in the Bible but really aren't, myths that can and often do have devastating effects on our faith.
INTRODUCTION: “Everything happens for a reason” – that statement hanging on our wall, when taken at face value is 100% correct. Life is a cause=effect existence, every action has a reaction…
Event; Burning of Academic Hall (MU) in 1892 – Reason; First electric light bulb west of the Mississippi
Event; My friend Jake was killed in an automobile accident – Reason; he was intoxicated
Event; In the 8th grade I broke my wrist – Reason; I tripped while playing basketball
With moments like these, some carry huge implications, others not so much so. They indeed happened for a reason, however they were every day events, and the reasons for them were mundane not divine.
BACKGROUND: The distinction between the two is something that gets Christians and non-Christians into trouble, and transforms a “truth” into a “myth” one that negatively impacts our faith…
• When things happen, especially “bad” things, we want to know that there is a reason for it, that it’s all part of God’s plan (or from week #3 “blueprint”) and that there was ultimately a “good” reason
• Now God does indeed have a plan, no matter what happens, God is in control, He is the King of the Universe, and above all else He is GOOD! (3 words to always remember)
• But that doesn’t mean that He’s the direct cause of everything that happens, or that everything that happens is something He wanted to happen, nor does it mean that everything He “allows” is “good”
• For instance; God didn’t cause – Lucifer and his buddies to rebel, Adam and Eve to eat that darned fruit, David to sleep with Bathsheba, Cain to kill Able, the crowd to cry out “Barabbas” instead of “Jesus,” or the Romans to nail Him to the cross…
• Those who carried out these deeds, bear full responsibility for their actions, it’s the same with us they can’t blame God, and neither can we. Adam tried (Genesis 3:12) and look where it got him!
• Like all of the myth’s we’ve looked at so far, this one comes from a passage of scripture that doesn’t say what we think it says, and doesn’t mean what we think it means (Romans 8:28)
• This is the proof-text for the “everything-is-good-if-you-wait-long-enough” crowd
• Now it appears to say that, given enough time, everything, that happens will prove to have been, “good,” “necessary,” and “God ordained”
• At the heart of our confusion is a minor issue of translation from the Greek into the English
• Compare the translation of this verse KJV & NIV – they look almost identical, and they should!
• But do we notice the difference? It doesn’t say that all things are good, but that “IN” all things God is at work – in other words even the enemies best shot can’t thwart God’s ultimate plan
• But that’s a far cry from saying that everything that happens is somehow “good” or “necessary”
• The text could be rendered God “co-operates” for good in all things, God works “in” not “with” all things, He’s not in mutual cooperation with them but working through them and sometimes in spite of them
• Those who try to pin every disease, financial disaster, betrayal, etc. on God are headed down a path that is logically indefensible!
• If these things were truly an expression of God’s goodness, they would have shown up in the garden, before the fall, yet this is clearly not the case
WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN…DON’T BLAME GOD (3 more words to always remember)
• To those who assume that everything that happens has God’s fingerprints all over it fail to distinguish between what God “causes” and what God “allows,” and there is a huge difference
• (1) God allows self-inflicted wounds – that we face because of our sinful choices (Me & my BB gun)
• (2) We live in a fallen world – bad people do bad things, and good people can’t always avoid them
• (3) God allows foolish decisions – when we don’t check facts, or properly prepare (2+2=5)
• The good news for us isn’t that God promises to keep us from messing up, or that He’ll fix it when we do… but He’ll continue working for our eternal good, no matter how many mistakes we make
• An incorrect view of the reasoning behind why things happen, can lead to some very negative responses on our part
• (1) Anger at God – If God loves us why does He do this to us
• (2) Glossed over Sin – When we assume everything happens for a “God-ordained” reason, we don’t fear sin or its consequences, because everything comes out in the wash