
Summary: Preaching the good news


Acts 19:1-12

For the Baptism to be right, three conditions need to be met. Tables of three legs need to have all the three legs in order to stand. The baptism is to have three essentials to be valid: the right action, the right subject / person, the purpose.


In order for the first condition to be met, there needs to be the right action. People regard as baptism:

a. Immersion

b. Pouring of water on the head.

c. Sprinkling.

The Bible teaches that Immersion is the only right action (Rom. 6:3-6). In immersion we die to ourselves, are buried with Christ, and are raised to walk in the new life. This is also an enactment on the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). The gospel message is that Christ died for our sins, was buried and was resurrected.


The Bible teaches that a person needs to do the following things in order to be saved:

1. Believe in Christ (John 8:24).

2. Repent of sin in his / her life (Acts 2:38; 17:30).

3. Confess Christ before men (Luke 12:8-9; Romans 10:9-10).

4. Be Baptized (Acts 2:38; 22:16; Romans 6:3-6; 1 Peter 3:21).

5. Be faithful to the end (Matthew 10:22b; Revelation 2:10b).

Therefore, before baptism the conditions of faith, repentance, and confession have to precede the baptism.

A child for example cannot put his / her trust on Jesus as his / her Savior, cannot understand the need to turn from sin and walk toward God, cannot confess Christ before people. These actions are taken by mature people, who are able to reason and understand.

A person needs to understand, and climb these steps on the stairs toward heaven.


People are baptized for different reasons and for different understandings.

1. Some are baptized to show that they are entering in ministry, basing this on the fact that Jesus was baptized before he started his ministry (Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:32-34).

2. Some are baptized to make a public announcement to show that God has already forgiven their sins.

3. Others are baptized to please family members, friends or their teachers.

4. Others are baptized, because everybody is being baptized.

5. And finally, there are others who are baptized for the forgiveness of their sins. This last purpose is the only right purpose to be baptized. Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; 22:16.


In conclusion we can say that for the baptism to be valid there needs to be the right action, immersion; the right subject / person, the one who has believed, is repented and confessed his / her faith in Christ before men; the person who is baptized for the right purpose, forgiveness of sins.

© Bledar Valca, 2006.

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