What He Says Series
Contributed by John Oscar on Sep 6, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: A sermon showing what Jesus taught his disciples about what the purpose of the Holy Spirit's infilling is.
What HE Said
Holy Spirit Series
CCCAG 9-3-23
-Scripture- Selected from John 14, 16
Over the summer we've been learning a lot about the Holy Spirit and seeing what the scriptures from the Old Testament have to say about the third member of the Trinity.
WE started off by looking at the Holy Spirit in the beginning and his role in the creation of the heavens and the earth.
We also saw how he was intended to always be a part of humanities makeup- our spirit being connected with the spirit of God and forming the image of God within us.
Another thing we learned in Genesis was when the Holy Spirit was removed from humanity after the sin of Adam and Eve.
After that and throughout the rest of the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit could only come upon a person for a short period of time to empower them for a specific task.
We saw in Moses where the Holy Spirit would be upon him so much that his face would glow but then would eventually fade again, to the point of Moses having to wear something like a burka (explain) to cover himself so the people would not see the glory of God fading from him and start to doubt his leadership.
We saw it with a little shepherd boy named David when he slew Goliath
We saw it with Samson and his extraordinary feats of strength
We saw the Holy Spirit come upon the prophets, giving them visions about how God currently viewed the spiritual life inside of Israel and the future of what was going to come.
We then saw in the book of Joel how the Holy Spirit was prophesied to return to his rightful place, intimately connected to the spirits of those who believe in Jesus.
But that could only happen once the sin problem was dealt with.
So this morning, we are now going to enter the New Testament.
In the New Testament, we meet John the Baptist, and saw him prophesy about a coming Messiah- a savior that would baptize people with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
Now the Messiah Jesus has come. God made flesh was now dwelling among the people of 1st century Israel.
The setting for today’s scripture is right after the last supper, where Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples, and now they are walking toward the Garden of Gethsemane.
Jesus is doing some last-minute teaching before HE is arrested by the Jewish Officials.
In this teaching, Jesus spends a great deal of time telling them about the promise of the Holy Spirit, His role, and what HE means to the believer then and today.
This morning, we are going to examine some of the key points and see what Jesus had to say about the future purpose and ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and the church.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
How many people here have ever had to assemble something?
Maybe it was a child’s toy that you are getting them for Christmas, and it comes with the words, “Some Assembly Required”
One of the biggest lies every told to an unsuspecting parent.
How about a piece of furniture for the house, or just some type of hobby that you have that involves having to read instructions and build something.
One of the jobs I had when I was young was assembling large entertainment centers at a furniture showroom. They would give you a set of instructions written in about 5 different languages, a small tool, in a bag with about 1000 different parts in it.
Anybody who's had to build one of these things knows that one small mistake and you're going to have to go back and almost start the whole thing over.
One of the things I learned very quickly was to walk across the store and look at a finished product to see exactly how it was supposed to be put together so I had a picture in my mind of whoever designed this piece of furniture is actual intent for it.
Throughout our study of the Holy Spirit we have looked at what various people who wrote the Bible had to say about this third person of the Trinity.
Now we get to see what the actual intent of the Holy Spirits coming upon us and living in us it's supposed to accomplish.
And we get it right from the mouth of the second person of the Trinity- Jesus.