The Power Of Prayer Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In the early church, their first response was to go to God in prayer. Is it also ours?
The Power of Prayer
Acts 12:1-19
Set up church expanding – miracles and healings continuing ...
It is important that we understand the importance of praying then and now
The church would have never survived had others not been praying
-- I think we can say if people weren’t praying TCAPL would have closed
-- This truth leads us to where we are today in studying the Book of Acts
- Read Acts 12:1-19
Point 1 – There is Unity and Urgency (1-4)
The church understood the threat of the day – not just spiritual but physical
-- Fear, rebellion, death
-- This understanding leads them to act and to seek God completely
From Acts 2:44 we know there was unity among the church members
-- More than like-minded persons; they had the same vision and purpose
-- The church was centered round the Gospel; not their own ideas
APP: This is where we must stand firmly today
The early church knew about persecution; they had seen death all around them
The church also understood the URGENCY they faced ahead of them
Herod is on a rampage to stop the Gospel – in total revenge mode
-- Jesus had risen and ascended; Herod was proven wrong – his rep is at stake
1. James has been put to death;
2. Peter has been arrested;
3. Logically, they knew Peter was next to die
This kind of challenge presents unique opportunities for a church struggling
-- The same kind of challenges face you and I today … in everything
-- We face challenges of loyalty in family, friends, work, and the church
-- The first action we take says a lot about what we gain strength from
So here is Peter – not flogged this time but locked up and uncertain of his fate
-- My question to you is: What would you do if you were Peter / Disciples?
TRANS: In the early church, their first response was to go to God in prayer
Point 2 – Prayer is Powerful (5)
To be certain, we could camp on verse 5 all day, all month, and all year …
-- This verse holds some major truths for us to accept and apply in faith
The NIV says “earnestly”; KJV says “without ceasing”
The Greek word here is “ektonos” means “fervent”
Fervent is an adverb defined as “having passionate intensity” for something
-- 1 Pet 1:22 uses this word also (Peter extoling the Believers):
-- “… see that ye love one another with a pure heart, fervently …”
-- CHAL: It is a BURNING love that has no antidote or ability to put it out
First the church was earnestly praying
-- This is not a 5 second “Lord, bless all those over there …” prayer
-- This is a prayer of faithfulness; a prayer of boldness and specificity
Second the church was specifically praying
-- Praying for Peter to be released and to be unharmed
-- Praying for restoration and protection and the return of their brother
Third the church was expectantly praying
-- Praying knowing that God was listening and would answer them
-- THIS IS CRITICAL!! Do we prayer expecting God to answer?
This is a boldness that we need to experience and take part in today
IMP: Prayer has never been, and never will be, “OUR THING”
Prayer is established by God so that He can communicate with us
-- We are fortunate (grateful …) that we can get to talk to a Holy God
-- However, prayer exists for us to listen more than it does for us to talk
Basic outline of how to pray (different sermon but good to know here …)
A – Adoration
C – Confession
T – Thanksgiving
S – Supplication
We see how the church earnestly (deliberately) came to God in prayer
- TRANS: It’s important to know, God answers prayer on His time
Point 3 – God’s Response (7-15)
V7 shows us that God sends an angel to wake Peter up and lead him out
-- Can you imagine for a moment the reaction of Peter woken from slumber?
-- It had to be jarring to say the least … and a little weird as well
Note v8 –when God answers, He is specific in His direction if we listen
-- Put on a coat, grab your shoes, follow me … nothing left to chance
-- APP: In the same manner today: God answers and directs – vague is not Him
Now … we are about to see the most PITIFUL response from church people
Re-read v12-15
What did the Believers, who were praying for God to answer them, say?
“You’re out of your mind …” WOW, let’s stop and chat here for a moment
-- Where is there faith? Where is there determination? Where is the belief?