
Summary: To be the Church Jesus had in mind we need to Evangelize.

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Last week I shared with you four qualities of the kind of church that Jesus had in mind. I broke them down for you by using an acronym.


A Worshipping church.

An Evangelizing church.

A Learning church.

A Loving church.

They may not seem remarkable or earth shattering or upside down but this is the plan that Goad had for the church. It was the model of the first century church and it worked.

The church as a whole around the United States seems to be missing some of these qualities.

What about PFC?

I believe that these qualities are at work in our church. I believe that we are a worshipping, evangelizing, learning, and loving church. But I also believe that we can do better. I think that there is always room for improvement in every life.

It takes a great commitment from a child of God to do the things God is urging them to do. And as our video last week showed, it is not just up to the senior pastor of the church. It takes the church, the people who are committed to the Word of God and to the things God is asking of them.

I am convinced that if the church would up their commitment to being this kind of church our world would be a different place and our lives on this earth would be much better.

Today we are going to look at one of those qualities in more depth. Today we are going to look at the commitment to evangelism.

Evangelism is not a bad word. A lot of people tend to back away whenever the E word is used.

Evangelism is not a word that is found in the Bible but the concept is definitely there.

Evangelism defined is simply the practice of spreading the Good News of Christ.

It is my prayer, that by the end of this message each of us will have a greater commitment to evangelism. God had a message that needs to be shared with the world and part of that world is right here in North Dakota.

In the past God used a burning bush, a donkey, his angels, his prophets. Today God’s primary means of communication is through ordinary men and women like you and I.

He has chosen the church to carry His message of salvation to the world. It is the most important message the world has ever known and it needs to be shared.



Open my eyes so I can see Your truth.

Open my ears so I can hear Your voice.

Open my minds so I can understand your Word.

And, open my heart so I may receive all that You would have me receive.


The first century church shared their faith with others because Jesus told them to. Look at Matthew 28:18-20.

18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Matthew 28:18-20

We call this portion of Scripture the “Great Commission.”

Not the great omission.

Not the great if you have the time.

Not the great if you feel like it.

Not the great I’ll do it if you do it.

Not the great I will get around to it sooner or later.

It is the Great Commission.

It is called the Great Commission because it is something that Jesus entrusted those who are called by His name to do.

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word commission as, “an authorization to perform certain duties or take on certain powers, the authority to act on something for another, to authorize, to empower, or to give an order.”

All these definitions are appropriate because they emphasis the importance of what Jesus wants all of us to do. This wasn’t just for the 12 disciples who were watching Him go to heaven. This is something that intended for the entire church from that point in time until Jesus comes again for the Church to do.

We need to be sharing the Gospel with the people in our own world. The people we interact with everyday.

Evangelist Curry Blake once said, ý"If your gospel isn't touching others, it hasn't touched you."

Have you been touched by the Gospel message?

The core theme of the Gospel message is that Jesus Christ left heaven; came to the earth and was born of a virgin. He lived for 33 years and then died on a cross for each of our sins. Then three days after His death, Jesus rose from the dead so we can have eternal life and is alive today, sitting at the right hand of God waiting to come back for His church.

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Jim Ressegieu

commented on May 3, 2013

Thank you Rev. Carr for your thoughts. I especially liked the acronym "WELL" I''m going to use it like a report card as it''s close to the end of school for the semester and have the congregation "grade" itself personally and as a congregation. Thank you!

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