
Summary: In a comparison between David (who was seeking to do what was right) and his enemies, an ungodly person is generally referring to an unbeliever, but it is possible for a saved person not to be living as a godly person. Let’s notice the difference.

Psalm 1 made a contrast between the godly and the ungodly. Here we see that contrast in a different form. In a comparison between David (who was seeking to do what was right) and his enemies. An ungodly person is generally referring to an unbeliever, but it is possible for a saved person not to be living as a godly person. Let’s notice the difference.


A. When matters of concern arise, the godly seek the Lord.

1. As David did when he fled from Absalom (3:4).

2. Past deliverance gave him present confidence (v. 1).

B. A person who doesn’t walk with God finds only distress when things go wrong.

C. (v. 4) A godly person has confidence that God will hear him – an ungodly person may pray but has no confidence that he is heard.


A. They turn glory into shame.

1. Enemies of the cross – Phi 3:19, "Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)"

2. They glory in shameful things:

a) Illicit sex.

b) Sinful violence.

3. They are ashamed of things they should glory in:

a) Christian values.

b) God – spiritual matters.

B. They love vanity – “who mind earthly things.”

C. They lie.

1. Absalom was a chronic liar – he lied so he could get his own way.

a) He lied to David regarding the banquet when he killed Amnon.

b) He lied to the people regarding David’s lack of care so he could steal their hearts.

2. David lied also but was penitent concerning it. There’s something seriously wrong when a Christian can lie & think nothing of it.


A. Stand in awe and sin not – don’t willfully sin against God as though he did not exist or care about your actions. Fear Him, stand in awe and realise His power.

B. Commune with your own heart... Before you go to sleep, think about your actions. Be still – don’t run headlong into actions without STOPPING to THINK about God & the consequences of your actions.

C. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness...the animal sacrifices were there to cover sin, but far better to offer him right living in the first place. Perhaps some would willfully sin and then just offer the sacrifice thinking all was OK.


A. Many that us good. Everyone is looking for something good. No one is trying to live their life so as to have misery & woe. The question is, “How are you going to find the good you are looking for?”

B. David found his joy in God – Lord, lift thou up... The presence of God in a person’s life is that which puts true gladness in the heart.

1. Divine joy is greater than worldly, material joy.

2. And he sleeps better, too.

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