
Summary: The people of Israel are redeemed, chosen for a greater purpose of being a witness to God.

Isaiah 43:1-28

Restoration, Responsibility, and Proclamation

Restoration 43:1-9

Fear Not Jacob, because you belong to the Lord(v.1), Israel HE is with you and called you by your name(v.2). Here, the command and the promise of God are interlinked. God used the word ‘Fear Not’ for twice to make sure that He is their God.

You are precious in my sight(v.4), I will call your people, your generations from east, west, north and south(v.4-6). I have people in every nation, in every tribe, in every city, in every town, in every street and in every apartment. I have created you for my glory(v.7). Also I have created them for my Glory.

The people who have lost their glory, lost their crown, lost their name and fame shall be restored because of God’s love, grace and the eternal plan of God. Quick and speedy restoration will be done to them.

Responsibilities 43:10-20

Responsibility of Chosen people is to be a witness to God. Witness to God’s existence. All chosen people are witness to God. All Christians may not be, all missionaries-pastors-ministers may not be, all born again Christians may not be but the Persons whoever is Chosen by God, called by God, redeemed by God are expected to be a witness to YHWH’s existence, power and grace. People whoever is tasted the love of God, enjoyed the forgiveness of God be a witness to God.

Witness to the world to understand that except YHWH there is no other God. He is God beyond the historical dates, human numerical years, chronological orders. God beyond history, he exists pre-historically. He has no beginning no end. He is alpha and Omega. He is the beginning and the end. God of all generations.

Responsibility of God is to be a protector of His people. The protector of His servants, his worshippers, true followers. He proved it in the case of the Babylonian slaves namely Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) and in the lives of the Israelites(v.14-17).

He proved as God who has control over the Waters and over the Fire. He will also prove as God who has control over the enemies of the redeemed people. Trust in the power and might of God, if you believe in your strength, in your richness, in your muscle power you will get nothing but defeat, shame and loss but if you leave unto the power of God you will be victorious and glorified.

If you believe he will do greater things in your life and in new things your life. He can create life sources. He can change the life situations.

Proclaim God’s qualities 43:21-28

The praises of God, v.21. My People will declare, proclaim, show forth, speak and set forth in their lives.

“remembrance of my name and to transmit the knowledge of the true God to future times”(Barnes). The “account of many and great benefits conferred on them”(Jamieson-Brown), “who being chosen of God, and redeemed by Christ, are formed anew by the Spirit of Christ, made new creatures, regenerated, and transformed by the renewing of their minds, and conformed to the image of Christ, and having him formed in their souls, and principles of grace and holiness wrought in them; in consequence of which they reformed in their lives and conversation”(Gill). Songs must be sung in accordance with the life(Pulpit)

The Grace and mercies of God, v.22-24. The forgiveness of Sins, v.25. The greatness of God, v.26-27. The judgment of God. The failure of the priests, the people all will be dealt with equal rod of Judgment(v.28). God is respecter of no persons. God never sees the face but the heart. He is God of all creations and generations.

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