
Summary: Who is God

The issue found in John 8:1-11 is a woman who was caught red handed. She had done something wrong and there were consequences for her actions. The reality of the story concerning the women caught in adultery. She’s probably naked, dirty, broken and now facing death in the face. The Law required she be stoned by others. Does Jesus judge sin? Yes he does. Jesus does not dismiss the sin of the woman at all. This story is about His attitude towards others. He has compassion and understanding of what’s going on here. The crowd wanted to stone her because it was “the law.” The law doesn’t show compassion-if you get pulled over for speeding the law requires a speeding ticket. The police officer is the one with the ability to show compassion and understanding. Not the law.

So, the question I asked was this-is God judging you for your sins? Yes, but only for your own benefit. He didn’t want the people the stone her because that in itself was a sin because they were judging her with an unfair assessment. We often judge others without knowing all the details.

God didn’t want this women to do what she was doing because it brought upon a destructive lifestyle and it was destructive in relationships. Adultery results in divorce, broken relationships between the married couple, friends, the children involved, and the lists goes on. friendships are destroyed because people have to take a side.

God doesn’t dismiss our sins but rather shows compassion towards sinners because he understands we aren’t perfect. You are a part of the story God is writing. You are a part of His story and he’s writing that chapters of your life. If the chapter you’re living is sin, God wants that chapter to end. He wants to close that chapter out with these words, “Go and sin no more.”

Closing Thoughts/Questions

Do you think God judges fairly?

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