
Summary: The apostle John is asked by the resurrected and victorious Christ to write to the seven churches of Asia, a message that, although directed to specific churches, applies to the church universal.

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A. Revelation 2:12- “To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of Him who has

the sharp, double-edged sword.”

1. When the GLORIFIED Christ first appeared to John, the apostle said that He had a “sharp double-

edged sword protruding from His mouth”- Revelation 1:16.

2. I believe there are two meanings to the “DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD” that Christ has.

a. Firstly, as Christians we understand that the Word of God is described as a SWORD.

-Ephesians 6:17- “We are to take up the Sword of the Spirit—the Word of God.”

-Hebrews 4:12- “For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts

and attitudes of the heart.”


The WORDS of Christ to the church of Pergamum are going to CUT DEEP as He judges their ACTIONS, THOUGHTS and ATTITUDES.

b. Secondly, the city of Pergamum was the CAPITAL of the Roman province in Asia, and a PROCONSUL was appointed in that city by Caesar who was give special AUTHORITY known

as the “Right of the Sword”, which literally gave him the power of life and death—on his word a

person could be EXECUTED on the spot.


But Christ says He is the One who has “the sharp, double-edged sword”. The Greek word used here is “rhomphia” that DESCRIBES a large SWORD used in BATTLE about 4 feet long that had to

be WIELDED with both hands.

It is Christ who ultimately has the POWER of LIFE and DEATH—not the Roman EMPEROR and his PROCONSULS. Not only will there be an “ultimate JUDGEMENT of the NATIONS that will be struck down by the SWORD from the mouth of Christ” as described in Revelation 19:15, but He will also JUDGE the CHURCH to determine His FOLLOWERS from COMPROMISERS.

B. BACKGROUND OF THE CITY: Pergamum was about 100 miles north of Ephesus and 70 miles from


1. Bergama, Turkey is now located on the site, but many of the RUINS of the city of Pergamum still


a. Being the CAPITAL CITY of the Roman Province in Asia, it was a huge CULTURAL CITY known for its EDUCATION and LIBRARY (the second largest in the Roman Empire), the


b. People traveled from all over the EMPIRE to visit the CITY—it was the PARIS of Asia Minor.

2. Emperor Worship was rampant in the CITY.

a. Although the city of Smyrna was the first in Asia to build a TEMPLE to Caesar, Pergamum wasn’t

about to be OUTDONE.

b. They built THREE Temples dedicated to the Emperors of Rome who were worshipped as gods.


Remember, Rome didn’t care if Christians worshipped Jesus as a GOD, as long as they would also give homage to “Caesar as Lord” once a year or else SUFFER the consequences.

3. Pergamum was also the CENTER of worship of ZEUS the god of thunder, the SUPREME DEITY of

Greek mythology.


Upon a ledge JUTTING out from the hillside 800 ft. in the air SET a huge ALTAR dedicated to Zeus. According to historians the altar was 40 ft. high, and from the base of the HILL it looked exactly like a GREAT THRONE. Smoke endlessly ascended from the SACRIFICES offered there.

“ZEUS, the SUPREME god?”! The CHURCH knew better. Yahweh, the Creator of the Universe, was the one and only TRUE God that was to be WORSHIPPED.

4. Pergamum was also known for its HEALING CENTER located in the Temple of Asclepius, the god

of medicine and healing.

a. Asclepius is seen holding a ROD with a SERPENT curled around it, because SNAKES were often



You may have seen these SYMBOLS before—they are MEDICAL SYMBOLS taken from

Asclepius’ ROD and has become the logo for MEDICINE.

b. Thousands would TRAVEL from all over the Empire hoping to be HEALED by the TEMPLE

PRIESTS. They would bow down to the IDOL and utter the words “Asclepius our Savior.”


Christians were APPALLED by that. They knew there is only One SAVIOR, and His name is JESUS the “Great Physician” who heals SPIRITUAL SICKNESS and has the CURE to give




A. “I know where you live...”

1. Christ is well aware that the church of Pergamum is LOCATED in a very difficult and dangerous

PLACE for Christians who WORSHIP the One and Only TRUE God.


Their LIVES and their LIVELIHOOD were constantly THREATENED because of their REFUSAL to take part in EMPEROR and PAGAN WORSHIP that was so prevalent in their city.

2. Christ- “I know you live where Satan has his THRONE.”

a. More than likely this has reference to the ALTAR of ZEUS that looked like a GIANT

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