
Summary: What is so important about Joshua 3? That God is in the barrier breaking business to take us into new places in our faith and relationship with Him. It is not merely for us to get the best but the best of our relationship with Him.

Intro: What is so important about Joshua 3? That God is in the barrier breaking business to take us into new places in our faith and relationship with Him. It is not merely for us to get the best but the best of our relationship with Him. Don’t forget Joshua is not only about what God has done but also what God is doing and desires to do in your and my life. This chapter especially is about the glory that comes to God when His people trust and obey Him. Here in chapter three is a picture of what Christianity is about. It is about the God of the universe desiring to be active in His children’s lives. In the New Testament and old it is called salvation. In the Old it was based on God’s saving activity for Israel. In the New Testament it is about God’s saving activity for the entire world. However it is clear in the 40 years in the wilderness he doesn’t just want to save us He also wants to change us. He is the potter we are the clay.

Why does he change us? As followers of Christ we have two options to overcome or be overcome. We can be victors with Christ or victims. The theme of moving on in obedience is found in Hebrews as well. Hebrews 6.1-12) “Let us … go on to maturity.”

It seems that as Americans we like to keep redefining ourselves as Christians. I believe that Rick Warren got it right with the following Statement.

Rick Warren

“The world doesn’t need a new definition of Christianity; it needs a new demonstration of it.” God often allows barriers in our life to see if we will patiently wait for a word from Him and then persistently obey Him.

When we face barriers and obstacles in our faith what is one of the most important things we need?

We need to hear our father’s instruction

I. The instruction we need to hear

A) Make sure you move when God moves (Joshua 3.2-3)

No more pillar and cloud now there is only the arc that represents God’s presence to Guide His people. (Also is a type of Christ)

B) Make sure you don’t get ahead of God (Joshua 3.4)

1) When you come to an impassible or impossible barrier you must wait on God.

2) If we get ahead of God we miss out on His activity, His will, His blessing.

C) Make sure you are ready spiritually

Joshua 3.5-7 (“Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow God will do great things among you!

Then Joshua addressed the people: "Sanctify yourselves. Tomorrow God will work miracle-wonders among you." The Message

1) Positional Holiness – Given by Jesus Christ. Salvation and saint hood are received from Jesus by faith in His finished work on the cross, death, burial, resurrection.

2) Practical holiness

Charles H Spurgeon “No man is Holy by accident.”

2 Corinthians 7:1 “Therefore dear friends, since we have such promises, we should wash ourselves clean from every impurity of the flesh and spirit, making our sanctification complete in the fear of God.”

This comes from the apostle who said we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We far too often spiritualize what Paul meant to practically impact our lives. The free gift God gives us in salvation washes us white as snow.

Alexander McClaren “It is as easy for a man to lift himself from the ground by gripping his own shoulders as it is for us to rise to greater heights of moral conduct by our own efforts; but if we can believe that God gives the impulse after purity, and the vision of what purity is, and imparts the power of attaining it, strengthening at once our dim sight”

The goal is Christ-likeness. We should never surrender the goal on the altar of our inability. These things are impossible with man but all things are possible with God.

Hebrews 12:14 Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness without it no one will see the Lord.

Read 2 Timothy 2.19 -26 (flee from unrighteousness, purify yourself)

How Do we spiritually prepare ourselvest?

1) Press on – Philippians 3.14

2) Think up – Philippians 4.8

3) Fix your focus -- Hebrews 12.2

II. The action we need to take

A) Get behind God’s appointed and anointed leader (Joshua 3.7-9)

B) Get a reminder of God’s faithfulness (Joshua 3.9-11)

C) Get ready for the impossible to happen (Joshua 3.13) focus on 13

D) Get ready to go together obediently

There is firm footing for us as we obediently follow Jesus!

Are we willing to wait for everyone to cross the Jordan? (Joshua 3.17)

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