
Summary: Number 4 in a series of five names of God - looking at what God in Flesh called Himself - Yeshua - Salvation

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Scripture: Matthew 1:18-21

Series – Names of God

Title: My name is Yeshua (Salvation)

Sermon looks at the name God gave Himself as He came to Earth as God in Flesh – Jesus – Yeshua.


Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Good morning!

Over the last few weeks, we have looked at three different names that people over time have used to describe the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the Good God of Creation:

a. Jehovah Jireh – The LORD is Our Provider

b. Jehovah Rapha – The Lord is Our Healer

c. Abba/Pater – The Lord is Our Father

This morning, I would like for us to look at another name and one that God has used to reference himself – and it is the name of Yeshua – the name that God in flesh used while He was here on God’s Good Earth – the name that we say as Jesus.

The name Jesus (Yeshua) was probably not the name that Mary nor Joseph would have picked out for their child. If you look through their genealogies, you might think that they would have picked out any of the following names:

Issac David Hezekiah Josiah Eleazar

Levi Joseph Boaz Enoch Adam

But then again, the decision was not up to them. It was God’s choice Himself.

Of all the names in the world and by the way it is estimated that there are over 650 million various names that have been used through the centuries, the one that God choice for Himself is the name – JESUS (Yeshua).

We need to take a moment and let that sink in. God could have used any number of names to be called while He was on our earth in the flesh. But He purposely choose the name Jesus.

Just as a side note it is interesting that giving Jesus’ name was another one of God’s little revelations. At that time people didn’t know if they were having a boy or a girl. There were no ultrasounds. So being told to name the child Jesus was another sign of just how special he would be to the world.

Let’s look this morning at some reasons why God in flesh wanted to be called Jesus – Yeshua.

I. The root of the name

Have you ever looked up your name to see what it means?

For example, the name Wilson – it comes from Will and has at its deepest meaning – One who Protects.

The name Margaret and Rita mean Pearl or Truth.

The name June means “Young”.

The name Mark – has as one of its meanings - “Large Hammer”

Now, I don’t know how many people today spend a great deal of time thinking about what they will name their children, but it was one of the things that Jewish families in Jesus’ time were particularly concerned about. It was felt that many times whatever name you gave someone would help shape their future.

The root of the name Jesus (Yeshua) is very simple – It means “THE LORD IS SALVATION” and so the name Jesus means “SAVIOR” (Salvation).

Remember for a moment what the Angel revealed to the Shepherds the night that Jesus was born. Luke 2:11

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior (a Jesus) who is Christ (The Anointed One) the LORD (Jehovah/YHWH).”

Now, that is a mouthful and full of all kinds of truths, revelations and Good News.

Think about that for a moment. Let all take some time to filter all of this down into our hearts and minds.

When people meet Jesus – when they found out His name – they were to know who He was – He was Savior – He was Salvation – He was God in flesh.

It’s interesting today that so many people don’t know who Jesus is and yet all they have to do is to look at the name that God took upon Himself and they would fully understand it – I am Jesus – I am Savior – I am Salvation.

John 3:16-17 tells us:

16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

So, the next time you use the word – Jesus – it is not to be used lightly and certainly not to used like it is so many times in TV shows and movies. Each time you hear the name or use the name Jesus we need to understand that we are saying who God in flesh is at His deepest – He is Savior – He is Redeemer – He is Salvation.

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