
Summary: Life is full of praise... Parents praising children, Grandparents praising grandchildren, Men praising automobiles, Women praising outfits and meals, a painter’s masterpiece, a conductor’s symphony, a chef’s meal, an architect’s building... Praise is

1. Priority of Praise

Life is full of praise... Parents praising children, Grandparents praising grandchildren, Men praising automobiles, Women praising outfits and meals, a painter’s masterpiece, a conductor’s symphony, a chef’s meal, an architect’s building... Praise is a release of inner joy and excitement (Psalm 39:1-3). It is “inner health” made audible (C. S. Lewis). Praise is naturally spontaneous, unless we are taught differently (religion / tradition). For example - Compliments & Cheers flow freely, not needing prompting! "Praise the Lord. Isn’t that beautiful? Wasn’t that delicious? Wow, what a time!"

Praising God is easier to do privately rather than corporately, but we are commanded to join in praise together (Psalm 149:1, Psalm 150:1, Psalm 111:1, Psalm 34:3). In this instance, praise has two enemies: 1. shyness and/or self-consciousness; 2. fear of boring other, lack of participating.

2. Purpose of Praise

Communication! Like a pilot’s talk button (Psalm 29:3-5, 7-9): Prayer is us pushing the button to talk to God; Praise is the other way, letting go of the button and letting God speak to us. Praise is Fulfilling because it Glorifies God (Revelation 4:11, Psalm 147:11, Psalm 149:4, Psalm 104:1) Simply put, it places us in God’s lap as His little child. Praise is Refining - Heated silver for the smelter to skim our surface (Proverbs 27:21). In addition, praise is Inviting - In the court of praise (Psalm 22:3, Psalm 100:4

3. Pattern of Praise

There are many different ways to praise... the first is non-verbal - in your heart, just between you and the Lord in silence and stillness (Psalm 149:2, 5, Psalm 138:1, Psalm 103:1-3). Though for some, non-verbal is the extent of their communication with God, Scriptures are clear that praise works its way outward: Singing (Psalm 149:1, 5, and 3, Psalm 147:1, 7); Dance (Psalm 149:3); Instruments of music (Psalm 149:3) - over twelve mentioned in Scripture; Raised hands (Psalm 134:2, Psalm 141:2); Looking up (Psalm 121:1, Psalm 23:1); Testimony (Psalm 105:1); Clapping (Psalm 47:1, Psalm 98:8); Shouting (Psalm 47:1, Psalm 5:11, I Thessalonians 4:16).

4. Paradigms of Praise

Judah was conceived from the spiritual/emotional union of Jacob and Leah (Genesis 29:34-35). His name means "praise." When he was born, it was enough - she left off trying to have more... She was satisfied because of Judah (PRAISE)!

Jesus would come through Judah (PRAISE) (Revelation 5:5).

Who gets to see the Son-rise first? Those at the tomb. First glimpse, first light (Malachi 4:2) “fear” = reverence

Judah pitched east of tabernacle, next door to the gate (Judah (PRAISE) led the way into God’s house & presence).

Judah (PRAISE) went in first; praise won the victory! (Judges 1:1-2) (See also 2 Chronicles 20:17-18, 21-22)

Judah (PRAISE) anoints and follows the King when others choose not to! (2 Samuel 2:4, 10)

Judah (PRAISE)bears shield and spear, warriors are ready (I Chronicles 12:23-40)

Caleb was Judah’s representative to spy out the land (Joshua 14:8-12) – Caleb had an excellent spirit... He was a Praiser!

Children of ‘Praisers’ are glad (Psalm 48:11, Psalm 97:8)

Judah plows the soil [Praise plows the heart] (Hosea 10:11)

Praise flows from the Holy Spirit, but never runs dry! (Joel 3:18, 20)

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