Jerusalem- True Worship Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jan 31, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 4th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".
Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#4]
Matthew 23:37
We are continuing in our Series about some of the most mentioned Cities in the Bible. Tonight, we are going to study the city that is 1st on the list- Jerusalem. Jerusalem is mentioned 811 times in the Bible. Currently, there are 3 different Religions that consider Jerusalem to be a holy site- Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
Matthew 23:37
David had made Jerusalem the Capital of Israel. The next important thing he did was to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. The Ark represented the presence of God. In 2 Samuel 6, David gathered together 30,000 able young men. They went to Baalah in Judah to get the Ark of the Covenant so they could take it to Jerusalem. The Ark was placed on a new cart, and they were celebrating as they were moving the cart. All of a sudden, the oxen stumbled and Uzzah reached out to stabilize the Ark- This angered God and Uzzah died. David became angry and he sent the Ark to the house of Obed-Edom. David watched Obed-Edom’s house be blessed over and over again and he decided to move the Ark to Jerusalem.
2 Samuel 6:12-13
True worship must be…
1. Done God’s way.
When David was moving the Ark his way, it costed someone their life. Did Uzzah know that touching the Ark would cost him his life? I believe Uzzah and David both knew this; but it was not something they were thinking about. They built a new cart, isn’t that enough? No, God is a holy and just God.
David’s initial reaction was to give up; but he began to see the power of God through the Ark of the Covenant. This time, David took the Ark to Jerusalem God’s way. We need to go to God and follow God His way.
John 4:24
When you worship God…
* Don’t simply go through the motions.
Worship is defined as a single focused act. When you worship, do you worship for your personal benefit, or do you focus on God? If you worship for yourself, you will be going through the motions and may even feel some emotions; but it does not last. When you worship God in Spirit and truth, God is given the glory and honor.
Psalm 96:1
Psalm 149:1
When you worship God…
* Make it fresh and meaningful.
When it says to sing a new song, it is not talking about the date that the song was written- It is talking about your attitude when you sing. The style and age of the music should never guide your worship- Focus on the words. Is this song theologically correct? How does the words of this song affect me?
Hebrews 10:25
Matthew 6:6
When you worship God…
* Set aside private and corporate times of worship.
The 1st Praise Team was at the tabernacle. The Praise Team leads in worship, just like the Levites did; but it is not a concert. Search out the Scriptures for other ways.
2 Samuel 6:14-15
True worship must be…
2. Appropriate for the occasion.
There are times worship is to be joyful and energetic, and times worship is to be somber and serious. We may intentionally guide our attitudes, but we don’t fake anything. I am reminded of people that shout out Amen in the middle of a Sermon; but it is obvious that they are not paying attention. For example, I heard a Pastor say, “Please pray for “Sister So and So” because she may not be on this Earth much longer”; and this man shouts Amen.
2 Samuel 6:20-23
True worship must be…
3. More concerned with God’s honor than your own.
If you can’t worship certain ways because you are too concerned about your dignity, you are in the wrong. In worship, our dignity means nothing, only God’s matters. There is a song that was written based on this story- It is called “Undignified”. I have sung this song many times- In fact, I had many people angry with me over this song. David was dancing around in worship to God, and he did not care what others had to say about it. If the Holy Spirit leads you to raise your hands while you are singing, raise your hands. If the Holy Spirit leads you to put your hands in your pockets, put your hands in your pockets.
The fact that David brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem shows that his worship of God and God’s presence in Jerusalem was the top priority. Your worship of God should be a priority in your life. This worship should be private and corporate. You shouldn’t wait until a Church Service to worship God; and yes, that includes singing. You should participate in corporate Worship with other believers. Is your worship of God true?