
Summary: We can overcome past problems and acknowledge the patterns of promise.

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B David lived in a time when the moral decline seemed like it was beyond the point of no return. Psalm 11.3 TLB

1 It’s impossible to isolate ourselves from the evils of this world.

2 Ps. 11.1-3 TLB; Our Amish/Mennonite brother’s, even with their extreme views of separation from the world, can’t do it.

a Not enough caves to hide in, roads to escape down.

b We can’t fully insulate ourselves, family from the troubles of this world.

c Our security is in God (vs. 1, 4a). (Our current extremity is God’s opportunity) Revival, Outpouring, Great harvest and Great Awakening.

d At the end of this day, God’s justice will prevail (v.4b-6; We love to hear preaching about God’s love, but He is going to lay the smack down. Wrath may be the strange work of God, but it is real, nevertheless.

e The righteous will be rewarded (v.7) God is able to care for us in times of peril/trouble just as well as He does in prosperity.

3 This morning we will conclude our “Keeping Your Family Afloat (When The World Is Going Down The Drain)” series by learning what to do when the foundations are destroyed.

a We’re going to look at overcoming past problems & and acknowledging the patterns of promise.

b Pray

I Past Problems

A There are various levels of legacy building listening to this message.

1 Starting out.

a You are the first Believer in your family that you know of. (Or at least you are taking your faith more seriously as those who have come before you.)

aa Young, middle age, older . . . starting out.

bb Christian newbies (students, parents, grandparents) But you want the promise! Faithfully pursue obedience to the Kingdom of God.

b Your family history maybe isn’t great (outlaws, several divorces, addiction). Join the club (for most of us)

aa Jonadab was always referred to as “son of Rechab” (2 Kings 10.15,23; Jeremiah 35. 6, 8, 14, 16) Significance?

bb Rechab was a descendent of Jethro (Moses’ Father in Law) Family was in paganism, occult.

* Grafted into Israel.

* Fast-forward & Rechab is serving in King Saul’s army & is in the transisition between Saul’s Kingdom & David’s.

* When he’s sure Saul’s descentdends will not rule, he kills Saul’s son (Ishbosheth) who is on the throne after Saul dies.

* Trying to impress David, Rechab assassinates Saul’s son in his sleep.

cc Expects honor, reward, national hero . . . David has him executed. (Harm not mine anointed)

c When you hear “Bennidect Arnold” what do you think of? TRAITOR. Every time some one heard the name “Rechab”, they thought murderer.

aa There was a shadow over Jonadab’s family name.

bb Could one man redeem the family name of Rechab & create a better legacy.

2 Starting over.

a May be “re-booting” your role as a godly parent with a second (or third) family.

b May be helping to raise grandbabies: you want the promise!

B God promised that there would be a descendent of Jonadab serving Him forever. (Somewhere, someplace, someone from Jonadab would serve the Kingdom.)

1 God was promising to preserve Jonadab’s family.

a He didn’t preserve the Northern/Southern Kingdom.

b Earthly kingdoms rise & fall, but the Kingdom of the Lord endures forever!

2 If your family is Kingdom first, you are covered under His blessing, covenant.

a As long as His Kingdom remains, stands so does everything (even families) that you have brought under His Lordship.

b His faithfulness goes for 1,000 generations!

t.s.: Raising a godly family is one of the greatest privileges of our earthly journey & I want to give you some helpful suggestions that can help you along the way.

II Patterns of Promise

A Children are dedicated to God from birth by the parents.

1 Baby dedications are a major part of this (Mother’s Day is when we typically do this).

a Eph. 6.4

b Pam & I, along with deacons will pray over children, in front of the church (witness)

aa Church pray for parents, remind them from time to time about the dedication.

bb Pray for parents!

c Remind your children that they have been dedicated to the Lord.

2 Children are nurtured in the Christian Faith.

a Deut 6.4-7 TLB

b Five truth tips. . .

aa Pour Scripture into them (Memorize, read them Scripture & ask them “What does this mean to you? What do you think God is asking you do in these verses?”

bb Pray with them (Fast/ Daily/nightly, spontaneously, ambulance/helicopter, police/fire siren)

cc Play Christian music (Joy FM, WXAN)

dd Persistence (Our job isn’t over when they get saved, baptized, when they move out)

3 Children receive loving discipline so repentance & faith are awakened at an early age.

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