
Summary: How to we get to know how much God loves us. We have to spend time in His word and pray there are no shortcuts.

The Ultimate Decision

August 11, 2014

Getting married to the right person is a true gift from the Lord. I am blessed that God allowed me to meet my wife Julie and that she married me almost 20 years ago. But getting married to the right person just doesn’t happen. There is an odd process we call dating. Asking someone out on the first date can be very awkward. Awkward in the sense that someone you think you may like may turn down your offer.

Many people have responded to issues of worry, lack of self-esteem and a problem with knowing how to pray. It all comes back to a very simple answer. Do you know God? Let me explain this deeper. Most of us when we start to date someone (OK this is from a man’s perspective) it is all we think about. We would drive 24 hours for a 1 hour date. We do just about anything to put on a good appearance both inside and out. We want the one we date to like us and not think we are weird. All this takes time for a couple to date and then to get married.

So why do most of us expect to know God by being with him for 30 minutes one day a week? Let’s say church is an hour long. I know most of us daydream when the sermon goes too long or our thoughts roam. A lot of us have trouble concentrating so if church is your only time during the week to meet with God you will never know Him. No wonder we worry, fret and have self-esteem issues. We are more concerned with created things than with the Creator.

So how do we turn this around? First of all YOU have to make a commitment much like you did when you were dating your future spouse. I don’t care how busy you are but there are no excuses to not getting up early and starting your day in prayer and reading God’s word in the Bible. Now if that sounds like I am telling you what to do I am only saying this to increase your love for the Lord. If you really want to know Him you will put in the time to know Him. There are no shortcuts. You would have never gotten married if you only dated or talked to your spouse 30 minutes a week.

Here is the problem with dating and getting married. Most of us men would go to the shopping mall when we are dating someone and look interested! Why? We didn’t want to let our future wife think we were selfish. Then we get married and we go to the shopping mall for the kill. I know what YOU want; I will go in, kill it and drag it out. “You don’t need to look at 20 different pairs of pants; get it and get out.” What happened to us when we get married? Why are we not as compassionate as when were dating? It comes down to one word. Selfishness. If your desire is to know God, your creator and redeemer, the One who gives you breath and life then your life will be changed. You will see the world differently and God will take away the desire of the flesh. But it is difficult to believe God will do this when you don’t know Him.

Get back to WANTING to be with God again more than any thing in the world. If you don’t know God He would love for you to spend time with Him and just Him. He would love to sit with you, talk with you and reveal to you, yes YOU His desire and love for you. If you don’t make God your priority the devil has more than enough desire to take you away and make your life miserable.

Have a great day seeking the Lord. Then “Be Still”.

On a housekeeping note a number of you have been saying you are not getting the devotional or it comes in at odd times. We have been having problems with our service that sends out the devotional. Please let me know if you received this by sending me an e mail to and replying "Yes". Take care


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