Focusing On Who God Is Rather Than Who "they" Are! (Psalm 27) Series
Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Aug 13, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: The Psalmist highlights the difference it makes in lives by focusing on the positives of knowing God and doing His Will rather than getting caught up in all the negatives around us.
Sermons Based on Selected Psalms
Psalms Sermon IV – Psalm 27
David the shepherd lad who became King of Israel was a music maker. He played a harp – the most popular instrument in Old Testament times.
The Book of Psalms is a collection of his compositions inspired by both his life experiences and his majestic moments with the Lord God.
As a sheep herder, the boy David became fascinated with the wonders of the out of doors even as he became familiar with the uniqueness of sheep.
As the one chosen by Samuel to be crowned the next king of Israel, David had no choice but to sharpen his defensive battle skills when Saul threatened his life; he had demonstrated his skills as a shepherd lad when he defended his sheep from the attack of wolves, and when he defended his family by killing their enemy Goliath with one stone fired by his slingshot.
David’s favor with God and the people worsened King Saul’s insanity, making him so blindly jealous that he made David the target of a relentless campaign to destroy the king-to-be.
David won the battle; but, more importantly, he won the hearts of the people because he had won the heart of the Lord God who had chosen him.
As king, David ruled righteously in accordance with God’s will; Israel enjoyed the golden years of their history during David’s reign.
Yet, as a man, David sinned; however, as a sinner, he was aware of his need for God’s forgiveness; as a forgiven child of God, he courageously accepted God’s punishment; as one who suffered the consequence of sinning against God, he also accepted the challenge of rebuilding his life for God.
As a Psalmist, David’s innermost thoughts - expressed in the verses of his poetry - have become the greatest collection of spiritual nuggets the world has ever known.
From a lifetime of positive and negative experiences, David has become our hero for making music out of the sharps and flats in life.
Any musician knows that it takes both to make good music. It takes the positives (the sharps) and the negatives (the flats). Arrange them in such a way that they blend into chords, orchestrate the chords into a harmonious melody, and what you get is a work of art that is pleasing to the ear.
Life is like that. The isolated sound of a sharp or the lonesome sound of a flat does nothing for the spirit. Get it all together in conformity with THE Great Composer’s divine plan for our lives, and what you have is harmonious living that is pleasing not only to God but to others as well.
These devotional messages, based on the Book of Psalms, are intended to draw from David’s orchestration of the sharps and flats in his life to help us make music from the sharps and flats in our own lives. Selah.
Psalm 27 . . .
We live in a world of hurt - daily bombardment of bad news flashed across the television screen - pictures of the devastation and destruction of war – the sickening sight of little children left without parents – the aching hearts of parents who have suffered the loss of children - poor treatment of homeless and hungry people – neglect of the elderly whose daily care depends on the goodness and mercy of family and friends, and so on.
Times have changed since David penned the words of the 27th Psalm but the basic needs of humanity remain the same.
Everyone needs to be fed when hungry, receive medical care when sick, clothed with dignity, respected when old, loved when down and out, comforted when overcome by grief; everyone needs hope to carry on.
David – the shepherd lad who became king – the king who sinned against God but was forgiven – the king whose times of trouble and sorrow are documented in his poems – the king who was materially wealthy but constantly depended on God – the king who tells us that he was no different from ordinary folks as far as spiritual needs are concerned.
When we face times of trouble, as was the case so often throughout David’s life, we would do well to lean on the insight and wisdom given to us by this man who knew God intimately.
The assurance David gives in each of his psalms might be summed up this way: If we focus our minds and hearts on the positives of knowing God, rather than the negatives all around us, we will experience the peace of God which comes from an awareness of God’s presence and protection.
Yes, we ought to be concerned about what’s going on in our world; yes, we ought to pray for those around us; yes, we ought to at least be willing to do our part as God gives us opportunity; but we must realize that there is so much in this world beyond our control that we have no choice but to leave it where it belongs – in the hands of God.