Christ: His Word Series
Contributed by Michael Blankenship on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Christ is the word of God.
Hebrews 4:1-16 Christ: His Word
Dickerson Road Baptist Church
Nashville, Tennessee. 37207
March 12,2006 A.M.
The austere words of warning in Hebrews could leave a person in despair if not accompanied by good news. For the ancient writer seeks to bring us
face to face with the realities of God’s holiness, justice, and wrath. He is purposeful in this, not wanting his little audience to slip away from the gospel of Christ. But his tenderness threads its way throughout the fabric of the epistle, particularly in our text. He follows by showing that the Word of God is never detached from the God who breathed it into human
existence so that he might reveal himself to us. “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” Nothing escapes the sight of God!
No excuse can dupe him, no rationale can fool him, and no cover-up can sneak past him. God sees all about us.
Back Ground:
Israel’s bondage in Egypt is a metaphor of the sinner’s bondage in the world. Israel was delivered by the blood of lambs, and power of God. A sinner who believes in Christ Jesus is delivered from the bondage of sin (Col. 1:13-14). It wasn’t God’s will for Israel to remain in bondage to Egypt. His desire was that the people enter into Canaan land, but when the people go to the border they delayed because they doubted God ( Num 13-14).
“We are not able wept the ten spies and the people. “We are able with God’s help!” Said Moses, Joshua and Caleb. Because the people went backward in disbelief rather than forward by faith, they missed their inheritance and died in the wilderness. What does Caanan represent to the twenty first century Christian? It Represents our spiritual inheritance in Christ Jesus (Eph.1:3, 11, 15-23).
I. The Danger of doubting God’s word: vs. 1-11
A. Wilderness wanderings were caused by doubt.
1. Jesus offers rest: Heb 3:11,3:18, 4 :1, 4:3-5, 4:8-11.
2. Hebrews mentions three types of rest Sabbatismos
a. God’s Sabbath rest Gen 2;2 : Heb 4;4. Available since creation.
b. Israel offered rest in Canaan, but they declined Deut 12:9 : Josh 21:43-45, Heb 3:11, Psalm 95.
c. Future rest of those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
II. The Power of His word vs. 12
A. ( Acts 5:33, 7:54, Eph 6:17) It is divine in nature. It is the word of God.
1. It is living
2. It is effectual
3. It is cutting and revealing
4. It is piercing and discriminating
B. God sees our hearts Heb 4:13, Jer 17:9. We claim our spiritual inheritance by surrendering to Him and trusting His word. We must be aware of an evil heart, or an empty heart of unbelief.
III. Jesus The Word of God: Our High Priest vs 13-16.
A. The name Jesus means Savior, identifies His humanity, and ministry on earth.
Eph 1:6; 12, 14; His purpose; To glorify God.
B. He understands our anxiety and pain.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior? He offers you rest today. Will you give Him your heart