
Summary: God designed the woman to adapt to whatever circumstance may occur within her realm. She is resourceful. She is creative. She knows how to make something out of what appears to be nothing. She will sacrifice without a second thought.

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Text: Prov.31:10

Introduction: “A MEAN MACHINE”

At the turn of the 20th century women began to assert themselves as a driving force to be reckoned with not only within America, but in Countries all over the world. Women have always made major contributions to mankind, but have seldom been as celebrated as their male counterpart. Today women are equal and many times more superior than men in many areas of society (elab…corporately, financially, physically & socially). Since the fall of man, woman has continued to thrive, in spite of all the ignorant male stigmatisms that have been attached to them over time.

God designed the woman to adapt to whatever circumstance may occur within her realm. She is resourceful. She is creative. She knows how to make something out of what appears to be nothing. She will sacrifice without a second thought. She rises above adversity in the midst of a crisis and gives credit to a God that others mock. She welcomes a challenge. She invites a fight. She confronts a test. She deals with demons, and she wrestles in warfare. She knows how to be a lion in the boardroom & a lamb in the bedroom. She’s well kept, tuned-up, rotated & balanced. She’s oiled & ready to roll. She’s a Mean Machine!!!


“She considereth a field…”—A woman who seeks a means to an end ponders every decision before acting. She carefully researches future endeavors and depending on her findings she makes a judgment based on the information she has gathered. Every decision you make, whether it be practical or spiritual will ultimately affect the events to follow in your life.

“…and buyeth it…”—Money doesn’t grow on trees and it doesn’t come easy. Whenever you do make a decision to make a purchase, it would be wise to protect your investment. No one who labors for a reward goes out & purposely wastes it away. When you have to pay for something, it’s value & how you take care of it takes on a whole new meaning!

“…she planteth a vineyard”—A woman with a means to an end seeks to make progress. She is not satisfied to continue taking the same steps. This woman purchased a field with her money. Before she even considers another purchase, she does what is necessary to cause that in which she purchased to be fruitful. This woman’s plan is to bring an end to working the field & have the field work for her!!


“…Strength and honour are her clothing”

The terms “strength and honour” represents that which permeates from the inside out! He’s not speaking of her physical strength or her noble actions. He’s speaking of her emotions…her inner aura…how she feels about herself. Most of the drama that women & young girls participate in is primarily conjured up due to one party or another reacting to something that they themselves are insecure about within their own lives (elab…Boyfriend/Husband)

“…she shall rejoice in time to come.”

This woman’s rejoicing is not because of who she has been associated with. Her rejoicing is a result of how she feels about herself, and what she knows about her purpose. When you possess positive, healthy insight about yourself, you can rejoice because it really doesn’t matter what others think of you. By feeling good about yourself, you release an inner strength that enables you to place anything God didn’t say you are in the trash where it belongs!! Therefore nothing you say can move me. Nothing you do can deter me. I’ve got control of my emotions. I’m ending the crybaby season of my life!


“She openeth her mouth…”

Someone once said, “Attitude determines Altitude”. This is very true & one of the primary reasons some women never take off and achieve the heights they were purposed by God to reach. I’d rather behold a warm-hearted, highly motivated, humble minded woman than to be in the presence of someone who is fine as wine, but has a mouth like a sailor…is loud and obnotious, got no table manners.

“…with wisdom…”—Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from the decisions we make in life. Women who speak foolishly (emptily) do so because of poor exposure. Without exposure you wont have choices. Without choices you can’t make decisions. Without decisions being made, experience cannot be obtained. And without experience they are destined to lack wisdom.

“…her tongue is the law of kindness”—The term ”law of kindness” gives the indication that when she speaks, she makes it a personal mandate to kind to those she comes into contact. You should declare it against your personal law to be mean!!


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