
Summary: Big Idea: God made you for something, has meaning and purpose! THe reason for your existence is to discover and reach that God given calling. You see, God had something in mind when He designed you! Find out more here.

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Question: Why am I here walking this earth? What is the point to life? What is the purpose of life? What is the meaning behind my life? Now I am saved why does God leave me here? I mean... Why not just take you from this earth and into heaven? Why doesn’t He just take me to be with Him in heaven?

These are all great questions which need to be answered! I’m hoping that over the next few weeks we begin to see 3D! To see a more complete picture of why you are here and the reason for your existence!

This new year I’m starting with a new Series which God has laid on my Heart! Now... This series is critical for you and for me! This series will help you greatly in your walk with God! It’s going to answer some of those tricky questions i asked before... We will discover the meaning of life and how to feel more fulfilled in life! It will help you to see things from God’s perspective and help you to live a life even more pleasing to Him!

But we need to start with a basic assumption! God has left you here for a reason.

Eph 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

n this short paragraph in the lead up to v10, God goes to great length to remind us that we were once in darkness. We were living in a way that was not pleasing to God and we were gratifying things which God would not and is not pleasing to God...we spent hours in fact, days and even years pleasing ourselves in ways which were not pleasing to God! Self was a major focus and serving self was a major desire! Doing what I want to when I want to! The ladies would spend hours just getting ready to go out! Not us guys! Pair of jeans a smelly T shirt...throw on some aftershave and that it! But we have spent a lot of time thinking about self and pleasing self before we came into a relationship with God!

V8-9 tells us... That we are saved by grace! It was a God initiated venture which allowed us to come into a relationship with Him! So by grace we are saved ...there was nothing that we could ever do to earn our salvation...we could not just perform a certain amount of works and then Bingo! We are in! It was by grace! Through a God initiative!

Then God says in V10... That we are Gods workmanship!

His “workmanship” is lit... “masterpiece” or “work of art”... You are a work of art this morning! That’s worth getting excited about! A work of art! And God loves this master piece like you wouldn’t believe! You are His masterpiece! I’m good looking baby! You may not think it... But God does!

Job 10:8 Your hands have shaped me and made me!

Created in Christ Jesus! You see... God has been fashioning you into the person that He wants you to be! Only God can do this creation! God is the one that has been working in your life behind the scenes, shaping and moulding your life like a potter moulds a work of art from a lump of clay! So you sit here a masterpiece! A work of art! But guess what! God hasn’t created this masterpiece to sit on the shelf of life collecting dust! You were not designed by God to sit on the shelf looking good but useless! God created you, God fashioned you, moulded you, shaped you for a God given destiny! God creates! Only God really creates...he created the world as we know it from nothing! He took nothing and created something incredibly amazing from it!

And you may feel like nothing but God is a master of taking nothing and making something from it! You may be sat here this morning and maybe you already feel useless and worthless - God wants to remind you this morning that you are not a nothing! You are a something! And if God can take nothing and make something from it then God can take a something and make something very special from it! Something which has meaning and purpose!

Lets look at that verse again:

Eph 2:10... Created in Christ Jesus for what end? good works!... To look at other peoples good works? To think of good works and then let someone else do them? To DO...Circle that word...DO! Do implies action! So if God created you to sit on the shelf of life then He would have just said it! God created you to sit on the shelf of life! Can u imagine God showing off all His handy work...Look at this creation guys... I created this pot to sit on the mantle piece of life! That’s great God... But what does it do? Do? Nothing! Then it’s pointless! It has no purpose except to decorate life’s mantle piece!... NO, NO, NO!!! God is a God of purpose...and what He creates always has a purpose! Don’t ask me about the flies! Or mosquitoes! I just don’t know about them... But God created you....fashioned you into something incredible useful!

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