
Summary: 'Shine on me!' - Numbers chapter 6 verses 22-27 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

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The Author: God (vs 22&27)

The Recipients: Israel (vs 23 & 27)

The Blessing threefold (vs 24-26)

The Repetition: ‘Face’ (vs 25 & 26)

The Conclusion: ownership (vs 27)



• Opposites.

• Help me out by shouting out the opposite to my word!

• Opposite of night is… day

• Opposite of hot is… cold

• Opposite of hungry is… full

• Opposite of happy is… sad

• Opposite of right is… left

• Opposite of rich is… poor

• Opposite of smart is… stupid

• Opposite of early is… late

• Opposite of boring is… interesting

• Opposite of calm is… worry

• Opposite of capture is… release

• Opposite of float is… sink

• Opposite of loose is… tight

• Opposite of curse is… bless!


• We tend to use the word ‘bless’ as a throw away’ word,

• Often in prayer when we don’t know what to say,

• We take the safe option and say, “Bless them Lord!”

Now the Bible contains over five hundred blessings,

• This one in Numbers chapter 6 may well be the most quoted.

• Christian preachers & ministers often use them at the conclusion of a service,

• But Jewish rabbis also use it to conclude synagogue services.

• In our Christian Churches we refer to these verses as, “benedictions”

• ill: That word ‘Benediction’ comes from two Latin words:

• ‘Bene’ which means ‘well’; and ‘Dicere’ which means ‘to speak.’

• A ‘benediction’ is simply ‘a short request or invocation to speak well’.

• The idea being that you want God to add something great and positive,

• Into the life of the congregation or an individual.

• And this blessing or benediction illustrates that so well.

Let’s look at the passage:

(1). The author of the blessing – God (vs 22)

22 The LORD said to Moses,

23 "Tell Aaron and his sons, 'This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them:

27 "So, they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them."


• God himself is the originator, the creator, the author of this blessing

• He handed it over to the priests, “Aaron & his sons” (vs 22-23).

• Then they became the custodians, the caretakers of these words,

• In fact, they were the only ones allowed to speak to them in public gatherings.

• Even today, although Jewish men are permitted to pray in public,

• But only the Rabbi may pronounce this or any other benediction/blessing.

Now, although the priests in the Bible were able to speak the blessing.

• But they were unable to bestow it!

• They were simply the designated, the chosen messengers.

• God alone is the donor and benefactor.

• Ill: That is shown in the way his name is used three times in the blessing.

• Verses 24: “The Lord bless you...”

• Verse 25: “…the Lord make his face shine on you.”

• Verse 26: “…the Lord turn his face toward you”

• Notice also in the concluding words,

• Verse 27: “I will bless them”.

• So, although the priests in the Bible were able to speak the blessing,

• They were unable to bestow it.

• Only God can do that!


• We might want to ask is why?

• Why did God command Aaron and his sons to bless the Israelites?


• Well, the short answer is because God is good!

• The long answer is because God is gooooooooooooooooooood!

• God blesses his children, because God is good, and God is love.


• A few years ago, I used to run a lunchtime Christian Union in a secondary school.

• It was Easter time and so I brought a large box of Cadburys creme eggs.

• Which I was going to give to everyone who came along.

• Well, I arrived at the school, parked up and went to sign in at reception,

• As I entered the room there was a group of about 6 adults sitting on chairs,

• And waiting for who knows what.

• But instantly they all focused on my box of Cadburys creme eggs.

• I mean they stared at them.

• They were like a hungry dog eagerly hoping you might give it a treat.

• I am sure if I lifted the box up high all their eyes would have followed it,

• So, I said to them, “Anyone fancy a creme egg? – There are plenty to spare!”

• There was no embarrassment, they as one said, “Yes please!”

• So, I let them each choose an egg before I headed out to my C.U. group.

• TRANSITION: now I tell you that story,

• Not because I am super generous, but on that occasion, I was able to ‘bless’ them,

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