
Summary: From Danger into Danger - Acts chapter 23 verses 1-35. - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

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• Paul and the Council (vs 1-11).

• Paul and the Conspirators (vs 12-22).

• Paul and the Captain (vs 23-35).



• Some time ago, there was a zoo in North Yorkshire,

• Today it has been turned into Flamingo Land.

• But when it was a zoo they had a problem,

• The problem was the monkeys’ stealing items from the tourists.

• What puzzled the officials at the zoo was the favourite item the animals snatched:

• Spectacles (Eyeglasses).

• And an investigation revealed the reason.

• The monkeys grabbed the glasses,

• When visitors leaned over to read a small sign on the wall of the cage.

• The sign said: "Beware! These monkeys steal spectacles."


• A more series version comes from Glenn Cunningham in Reader's Digest

• He writes that Africa's Victoria Falls produces a cloud of mist,

• This mist is often heavy enough to impair visibility.

• While he was walking the path that skirts the gorge into which the Zambezi River tumbles,

• He noticed a sign on the rim but could not make it out.

• Not wanting to miss whatever it might be noting,

• He slithered and slid through the mud out to the very brink only to read the message:

• "Danger! Crumbling Edge."


• Most of us would not willingly choose to put ourselves in a dangerous situation,

• Some people do, they like dangerous sports,

• e.g., Base Jumping.

• Some people do not jump out of a plane but rather throw themselves off buildings or mountains.

• e.g., Boxing where you put your health at risk.

• As you get hit in the head by a 16 stone (220 pounds) heavyweight boxing athlete!

• e.g., Racing - it does not matter if it’s a race car or a superbike,

• Anything that can go around racetracks with 200+ mph is surely life-threatening!


• Most of us would not willingly choose to put ourselves in a dangerous situation,

• Yet, some people do.

• Many Christians who alive today have no choice,

• The moment they publicly declare their faith in Jesus,

• They know that they are putting themselves in danger!

• Quote: Open Doors.

• “11 Christians killed every day for their decision to follow Jesus”

• More Christians are suffering for their faith than any other time in history.

• Millions of believers live in places where they are oppressed, imprisoned,

• Discriminated against and even violently attacked—all because they believe in Jesus.


• Even in this country.

• At Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London,

• A few weeks ago, a 20ish year old Somali man (he may be there this afternoon).

• He came and told us he had become a Christian that week.

• And he asked for prayer saying,

• “He is scared to tell his parents because they will ship him back to Somali”

• And for him that spells trouble and danger with a capitol ‘T & D.’


• The apostle Paul at times went from danger to danger in sharing the gospel,

• We see that illustrated in today’s Bible passage.

Now the key theme towards the end of the book of Acts is Jerusalem to Rome.

• In many ways no major doctrines are taught or discussed in this passage,

• It is very much narrative.

• Paul defending himself again and again by sharing his story, his testimony.

• And God is behind the scenes, moving guiding and preparing the way,

• For the apostle Paul to get from Jerusalem to Rome.


• A bit of movie trivia,

• Alfred Hitchcock made over 50 films.

• He is regarded as one of the most influential figures in the history of cinema.

• But not a lot of people know,

• This the famous director always appeared in each one of his films,

• Normally it was just for a few seconds or a minute - a cameo role.

• e.g., crossing a road in the background of a street scene.

• TRANSITION: Now although no major doctrines are taught or discussed,

• Like Hitchcock tey are there in the background if you look hard enough.

• e.g., The resurrection of the dead (vs 6).

• e.g., The providence (leading & guiding) of God (vs 11-35).

(1). Paul and the Council (vs 1-11).


• A newspaper editor fed up with local, government bureaucracy,

• Decided to get his own back by printing the following headline,

• "Half the city council are crooks."

• It caused uproar in the city hall,

• And the councillors demanded a retraction in the next edition of the paper,

• Or they would face a legal action.

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