31 Ways To Favor Your Pastor
Contributed by Johnny Creasong on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: October is Clergy Appreciation Month. Here’s some ideas to get your creative juices flowing...
October is Clergy Appreciation Month! After doing some research with other pastors on how their congregations had shown them their appreciation in the past, I thought I would write down some ideas to get your creative appreciation juices running. Since October had 31 days, here’s 31 ways to show appreciation for the shepherd responsible for your spiritual welfare.
Whatever you decide to do for Pastor Appreciation, please do something!
Pastor Johnny Creasong
1. POUND YOUR PASTOR – The old-time idea of a Pantry Pounding could be just the ticket to relieving some financial strain on your pastor. It could be as easy as asking each family to purchase one can for each family member (preferably something they themselves would eat) and bring the food items on a certain Sunday.
2. FILL THE FREEZER – Got meat? Why not select a Sunday to stock the Pastor’s Family Freezer. Be sure and plan the portions you give around the size and tastes of your pastor.
3. RESTAURANT GIFT CARDS – Next time you go out to eat, pick up a gift card from the restaurant and give it to your pastor.
4. FORE! – Take Pastor for a round of golf!
5. WALMART GIFT CARDS – Families could give a loaded Walmart Gift Card to the Pastor.
6. TAKE PASTOR TO LUNCH – Make an appointment to take Pastor to lunch.
7. ENCOURAGEMENT E-MAILS – Set a day when EVERYONE sends Pastor an email, sharing personal appreciation.
8. FAMILY EAT OUT – Families could schedule to take Pastor and Family out after Church on Sunday. Or take them home with you for a Sunday meal.
9. FAMILY EAT IN – Schedule with the Pastor’s Family to bring a prepared meal to their home on a weeknight.
10. CLEAN HIM/HER UP – Offer to take a suit to the cleaners for your pastor and pay for the cleaning.
11. SOCK IT TO ME – Each family buys a pair of socks for the Pastor. Ball up the pair (and perhaps put some paper money inside –NO COINS PLEASE). At the close of Sunday Service, have someone give the signal and throw the balled socks at the Pastor. Kids love this!
12. PASTOR’S DATE NIGHT – Offer to pay for a babysitter of the Pastor’s choice.
13. STOCK THE STUDY – Acquire a list of books Pastor would like to have and distribute the list so families may purchase them.
14. BOOKSTORE GIFTCARD – Give Pastor a gift card to his/her favorite bookstore.
15. SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS – Pick a week when everyone buys Pastor a card and sends it to him. Be sure and include personal appreciation.
16. BAKE A CAKE – Take a fresh baked good to the Pastor’s family.
17. SPA FOR SPOUSE – Arrange for a Spa/Manicure/Pedicure/Beauty Treatment for the Pastor’s wife.
18. WORKIN’ AT THE CAR WASH – Get the Youth Group to come to Pastor’s home and wash the family vehicles.
19. GIDEON GIFTS – Give a gift to the Gideons International in honor of your pastor.
20. COLLECTIONS – Does Pastor collect certain items? Buy him/her one!
21. FLOWERS – Buy the Pastor’s wife a bouquet of flowers and have them delivered.
22. B & B –Does your Pastor and spouse like to get away to a Bed & Breakfast? Provide funds for a night at a Bed & Breakfast.
23. PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE – Can you do mechanic work? Change the oil and filters in Pastor’s Cars.
24. FORGET NOT THE EXTENDED FAMILY – Send a Thank You note to the grown children or the parents of your Pastor. Tell them how much you love and appreciate him/her.
25. SPREAD A LITTLE LOVE AROUND – Tell Pastor you love him/her as you leave church on Sunday.
26. MEANINGFUL MONDAY MESSAGES – Call Pastor on Monday and tell him/her what Sunday’s message meant to you.
27. PACK HIM UP AND SEND HIM AWAY – An all-expense paid vacation or cruise could result in a new pastor!
28. RETURN THE EMPTIES – Tell the Pastor, “What you gave me last Sunday, I gave away by telling others what you said. I used up what you gave me last week. Give me more!”
29. SOMETHING NEW – Start going to a church service you don’t usually attend!
30. DON’T FORGET THE KIDS – If Pastor has children at home, make sure you give them a gift, too.
Hebrews 13:17
17 Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.