Study In Revelation 30 The Marriage Supper Ff The Lamb Series
Contributed by James Lee on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: study in Revelation, using "The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible" as a guide.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Revelation 19: 1-10
These verses describe one of the most exciting times, since time began. God has planned a celebration for His Son that is beyond anything we can imagine. Just think, every one who has ever received the grace of God will be gathered in one place all at once… The Bride Groom is a bout to receive His Bride and all of heaven breaks out in glorious praise of the Lamb.
Vs. 1-6 The Marriage Supper is a supper of glorious praise.
Everyone in heaven will be praising God and Christ at this celebration. Four times the word hallelujah is used.
The word hallelujah means praise God. It comes from two Hebrew words: halal which means praise and Jah which is the name of God.
a. There will be the hallelujah of salvation. Most likely this is the heavenly host singing the praise.
Salvation belongs to God.
The angels have watched as God plan for the salvation of man has played out, through the centuries. They watched as man has dealt with temptation, sin and evil and now they are seeing the most wonderful sight ever seen. God’s salvation is being made complete and the heavenly host praise God as the God of salvation.
Glory belongs to God. All of the glory, the splendor and light of heaven and earth flows from God. The angels will praise God for His glory at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Honor belongs to God. Is. 45: 12 * Ps. 34: 3
Power belongs to God. He alone has the power to save us from our sin. 1Chron. 29: 12
b. There will be the hallelujah of victory. [2-3] The Lord ˜might ˜wants to ˜WILL
triumph over some most ALL of the ungodly and evil of this world.
He will destroy the godless politics, the social, commercial, cultural and even the religious systems of this world.
He will avenge the persecution those who died following Him.
c. There will be the hallelujah of worship. [4] There are some listed here that we have not heard from for some time. The 24 elders and the 4 living dead creatures, fall on their faces before God and offer Him praise and worship.
d. There will be the hallelujah of God’s omnipotent reign. [5-6]
1Cor. 15: 25 * Ph. 2: 9-11 * Dan7: 14
v.7 The Marriage Supper will focus on the Bride TRUE FALSE
In pretty much all weddings today, the focus is on the bride. We say “it is her day” and the groom is just there.
BUT this is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and the focus will be on the Bride Groom, who is Jesus Christ.
If Christ is to be the focus of our attention in that day, how much should He be our focus today?
Lk. 9:23 * Lk.14: 26-27 * Rom. 12: 1-2 * 1Cor.6: 19-20 * Ph. 3:8
Vs. 7-8 The Marriage Supper will have a pure and prepared bride.
Who is the bride of Christ? _______________. We prepare, or make ourselves ready [7] for the wedding by first receiving the Lord as our Savior, second by righteous living. [8]
Vs. 9-10 The Marriage Supper will be a blessed event.
In John Wayne’s movie Chisholm, they are going to have a party at the Chisholm ranch. John Chisholm is inviting all kinds of people. He evens unknowingly invites Billy the Kid. Pepper, John’s right hand man says, “There’s going to be some interesting people at that party.”
Think of some who will attend the Marriage Supper of the Lamb…
The wedding supper will be blessed because it will be a time to worship God and God alone. Worship, on that day will be unhindered, pure and truly is spirit. Mt. 4: 10 * Jn. 4: 24 * Ps. 95: 6
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Revelation 19: 1-10
Vs. 1-6 The Marriage Supper is a supper of glorious .
Everyone in heaven will be praising God and Christ at this celebration. Four times the word hallelujah is used.
The word hallelujah means God. It comes from two Hebrew words:
halal which means and Jah which is the name of .
a. There will be the hallelujah of . Most likely this is the heavenly host singing the praise.
belongs to God.
The angels have watched as God plan for the salvation of man has played out, through the centuries. They watched as man has dealt with temptation, sin and evil and now they are seeing the most wonderful sight ever seen. God’s salvation is being made complete and the heavenly host praise God as the God of salvation.
belongs to God. All of the glory, the splendor and light of heaven and earth flows from God. The angels will praise God for His glory at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.