
Summary: The Doctrine of Soul is very interesting and needed. We try to understand the creation of the soul, it’s relation to the physical body, and relation to God. We learned about its identity, eternity and everlasting capacity. Read further.

Text: Revelation 6:9-11

Theme: Cry of the Martyrs


Greetings: The Lord is good and his love endures forever.

Introduction: This month we have dedicated to the Doctrine of Soul, understanding the creation of the soul, relation to the physical body, relation to God. We learned about its identity, eternity and everlasting capacity.  Today, I would like to draw your attention to the book of revelation to the cry of the SOULS at the ALTAR of God.  

During the first four seals John heard the voice of one of the living creatures, but now John hears the voice of the cries of the martyrs. Revelation 6:9-11 sets before us a most sobering and realistic picture about the Martyrs, who were believers, missionaries, pastors, evangelists, who lived an exemplary life during their life on the earth, and died as testimonies. The images in Revelation become more horrific; the scenes are more terrifying; the issues are more pressing in the book of Revelation.

The fifth seal in the line of seals broken by the Lamb, refers to the historical times of Diocletian, and the persecution under his regime. Today, I would like to give exposition on the position of the souls - under the altar, their call or prayer to God for avenge, their clothing of robes, and a command to wait patiently a little longer time.

Souls of the Martyrs - Slain for the word of God and for the testimony

Cries of the Martyrs - for Judgement and avenge for blood – Blood for Blood

Rest of the Martyrs - Rest a while a little longer


Souls of the Martyrs – Revelation 6:9 - Slain for the word of God and for the testimony of the Lamb.

It is clearly revealed by the Holy Spirit that the souls of the Martyrs are alive, conscious and recognises one another and recalls their life on the earth. The souls were separated from their bodies. Their bodies were buried in the ground, returned to the dust. Their souls are under the altar of God in heaven, it refers to the allusion to the blood of the sacrifices, which was poured out at the bottom of the altar by the priests (Leviticus 4:7, 5:9). But Martyrdom refers to the sacrifice of lives of the slain, and an offering of them in the cause of God and truth (Philippians 2:17, 2 Timothy 4:7).

John describes his own exile on the island of Patmos as being “because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus” (Revelation 1:9). These saints had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony of the Lamb (Revelation 1:9). It’s on going event on the earth, many parts of the world, Christians are killed for their faith.


The souls of the saints are under altar refers to the Jewish notion that the souls of the righteous are treasured up under the throne of glory, and everyone that is buried in the land of Israel was buried "under the altar". The blood of the martyrs or saints is considered as an “offering” before God as it accumulates at the base of the altar during this time of intense persecution of all who worship the name of Christ (Matthew 24:9).

But through reading of the scriptures, we understand that Christ is the altar, the sacrifice, and the altar that sanctifies the gift to God. Now, every sacrifice of prayer and praise comes up before God through Jesus Christ, who is the High priest, who is in heaven. In his name, we pray. (Hebrews 13:10, John 14:14).


John writes here that these are the souls of those who have been slain. The souls of the saints are described in Hebrews 11. They are of those who have been killed, who have died of a violent death, who have been stoned, who have been thrown into the lions cages, who have been beheaded, who have been hanged, who have been burned as street lamps, who have been counted as sheep for the slaughter, and who have been sawn into two, those who have died for the Word of God, who have died for the testimony.

Many think that we worship a God of “health and wealth”, God of promises to “name them and claim them”. Others say that we must have a “power of positive thinking” and a “feel-good” religion.  A religion that consists of everyone joining hands dancing, and singing, a religion of Utopia. But in reality it’s a religion demands to give up luxuries, to go through persecution, victimization and threats. The early Church had experienced all these hatred activities and even today, the church is more vulnerable to the authorities.


2. Cries of the Martyrs - Revelation 6:9- cry for Judgement and avenge blood – “Blood for Blood”

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