30 Reasons Why People Marry Wrongly
Contributed by Bishop(Dr) Sola Adetunji on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A straight to point sermon on the major reasons for wrong marriage
In the school of marriage your choice is your life. Your partner in marriage determines your place in destiny, because your partner is like your magnet drawing you to God or drawing you to hell. A lot of colorful destinies have been terminated as a result of wrong partners.
Samson, that great and highly anointed man of God fell as a result of a wrong partner. His destiny was short circuited; he was mocked and put to shame as a result of his wrong choice. Abigail, a woman of good understanding married a foolish and wicked husband (1Sam25v3)The resultant family was almost destroyed because of the conduct of the husband.
Beloved, beware. Take heed, that you may not enter into the trap of the devil and marry the wrong person. Here are some reasons why people marry wrongly:
Building engineers made us to understand that, it is the strength of the foundation that will determine how strong a house will be. If the foundation is faulty the house can’t stand. If the foundation is destroyed what can the righteous do?
Friends, Jesus Christ is the solid foundation for an enduring marriage. In your search for whom to marry, let Jesus have his place. Let his word and standard influence your decision.
If you are a child of God, a believer in Christ you need to go for people of like minds in the same faith! Don’t think you can change anybody after marriage. Only God has power to change people. The scripture says Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness and what communion has light with darkness?. God’s word is superior to your emotion or knowledge, you can’t be wiser than the only wise God.
You must understand that your parent do not power to choose for you. No one should be allowed to use your destiny to settle friendship.
When Rebecca was to go and marry Isaac, her parent called her to seek her consent. Gen sis 24:58 says “and they called Rebecca and said unto her, will thou go with this man? And she said I will go”.
The parent of Rebecca didn’t force her.Don’t allow anyone to force you. The word of God says in Proverb 18:22 “whosoever finds a wife, found a good thing and obtain favor from the Lord”. It is the duty of every man to find his own wife.
As a believer, we all belong to the same family, the same tribe. Once you are in Christ, there is no difference between the Jews and the Greek. Don’t rule out any tribe when it comes to marriage, the most important thing is that your partner should be washed in the blood of Jesus.
Marriage is an institution where many are rushing into while many want to rush out. You must therefore you must look before you leap.
To hook on to someone just because you want to get married as soon as possible, can be very dangerous. “He that hasteth with his feet sinneth”.
Why must you take foolish decision like that of Samson who saw Delilah and married her.(Judges16:4) He didn’t bother to know much about Delilah, what a hasty decision. Let God go before you and guide you, and in the name of Jesus, it shall be well.
6 AGE:
Marrying any one just because age is not longer on your side is very wrong. You’ve got to understand that for every Eve God has made, there is an Adam, and for every Adam, God has created an Eve..
If you are a lady, understand that God is not wicked. Definitely, your own Adam will come, and if you are a brother, you must know that God loves you and surely your Eve will come. Don’t force yourself on any man. Adam was relaxing when Eve was brought to him, therefore relax.
When you are too close to a brother or a sister, your emotions may deceive you to think you are meant for each other, and bring you into a relationship you are not set for.
Amos3:3 said “can two walk together except they be agreed”? Even if the two of you are not in agreement before, by the time you become too close , what you don’t expect may happen.
Beauty is deceptive. What sustains marriage is beyond sight. To go into marriage because of physical beauty is to destroy your future home. If you marry anybody because of his or her appearance alone and something happen to that good shape, what will you do?. Allow God to lead you. Don’t lead yourself into any unwholesome relationship because of physical beauty. Remember that good shape will soon go, that fine face may become wrinkled. If that beauty is your only reason for marriage, you are in trouble.