
Summary: Becoming something takes time and practice. Jesus wants you to join him in trying out different things until you become a full-fledged follower.

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Dear Pastor,

I want to thank you for taking the time to teach the Pray21 principles of Believe, Belong, Become, and Be from your pulpit during the next few weeks. As a pastor myself, I know how dedicated you are to accurately teaching God’s Word, so I have worked hard to make sure these outlines are biblically correct and culturally relevant to the battle your church faces today. At the same time, I admit that I do not know your congregation, so please make adjustments as needed to feed the flock entrusted to your care.

There are a couple points I would like to discuss with you briefly that are crucial. Honestly, I didn’t know how to address them in the outlines without having an intimate knowledge of your congregation. I was concerned that if I made these points, I might weaken the primary purpose of the four messages; therefore, I simply want to highlight them for your prayerful consideration and implementation.

You are going to find that Pray21 sermons deal primarily with the young people and youth ministry in your church. These messages place the emphasis on adults learning to see youth differently; but truthfully, many of the adults in your church are going to see themselves in the content and context of Pray21. This campaign is about helping followers of Jesus Christ (regardless of age) find their place in his cause and their role in his church. You know as well as I do that too many believers still do not know who they are even after decades of being in the church. Pray21 is an opportunity for the church to help youth and adults recognize and respond to God’s voice in their life.

While it is my fervent hope that your congregation will learn to see young people in a new light and embrace the mentality of youth in ministry, there is mutual benefit for all ages from this mission. As you and the adults in your church begin to believe in young people, they will begin to believe in themselves. At the same time, adults are going to be learning more about themselves. Be prepared to make this point in each sermon.

The need is great and the time is now. Take the time to make these messages personal to all ages. I already believe they are, but again, I want to leave those additional teaching points to your prayerful discernment and pastoral discretion. Apply this message to all generations – everyone is looking for a breakthrough.

Because of Jesus,

Timothy Eldred

Executive Director

Christian Endeavor International

Feel free to call me personally. I can’t wait to hear your wisdom! 800-260-3234.

Pray 21 Week 3: Become

Message: Becoming something takes time and practice. Jesus wants you to join him in trying out different things until you become a full-fledged follower.


1. Focus – Jesus called people who were busy in some other cause. To Peter he says simply, “Would you like to fish for men?” David was looking after sheep. Both of them had to overcome fear and doubt—some from inside and some from outside.

2. Main point – we must tune into the desires of our heart and the things we are drawn to do. These can give us clues as to where Jesus is calling us. Sometimes, hurt or pain or sin and disobedience needs to be removed so we can see clearly. Even at the end of his time on earth, Jesus was working on Peter’s heart to get him to see clearly. David needed to hear the enemy ‘trash talking’ to get him stirred up for God. Don’t be afraid to let young people grapple with the really big, nasty problems that face your community. That is when they will begin to hear God calling them to the front lines. Get ready. They will need your support to do the things God has called them to!

3. By this week, something has started to happen in the hearts of the adults and students. Some will feel the strong call of God. Others, are hardening to protect their wounds. Yet others are kind of waiting around, wondering if someone will notice them. As Jesus did, we must look to see and confirm God’s leading. When you see hearts opening to God, be ready to ask the question, “Would you like to _______ for Jesus?”

4. The Pray21 Discovery Guide gives many examples that can be used for the sermon. Read and choose the one or two examples from Part 3 that speak the most to your heart to use in the message.

5. Combine these with examples from your life about how you became a part of Christ’s cause. When did you know what you were supposed to do for Jesus?

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