Unmasking Satan’s Strategies: Discernment Vs. Suspicion (Part 2) Series
Contributed by Joseph Ondu on Apr 5, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Satan is a personality with definite character traits. It is character that gives dignity and value to a person, or character degrades a person. Character is the inner life of a person that forms his actions and shapes his life.
Put on the full armor of God so that you can fight against the devil’s evil tricks. (Ephesian 6:11)
One of the major factors in every form of warfare is reconnaissance. We see that dimension of warfare in the Bible and in our contemporary world. Reconnaissance is carrying out a spy/covert/assessment mission against your enemy to assess his arsenals, his location, his manpower, his supply chain (food, water, and weapon storage), his allies, his defenses, his ammunition, etc. This is the norm in every warfare. Therefore, we as children of God who are engaged in the most vicious battle of all time, need to be involved in a constant reconnaissance operation because Satan, his demons, and agents who are constantly on reconnaissance missions within our terrains. Let`s begin our reconnaissance operations by studying Satan and his demonic forces
Let`s begin with Satan`s Personality:
Satan is a personality with definite character traits. It is character that gives dignity and value to a person, or character degrades a person. Character is the inner life of a person that forms his actions and shapes his life. Character is the fountain from which our actions and affairs flow. In short, your character is who you really are. There is another word that looks like character, but it is completely different from Character, but is often misconstrued as character. That word is “REPUTATION.” A person`s character is often opposed to his reputation. CHARACTER IS WHAT A PERSON IS IN HIS NATURE! Reputation on the contrast, is like the clothes we wear for people to interact with us. Reputation is how we appear to be in the public view. A good reputation can give you a high-profile job, but it will take a good or great character to keep you on that job. It is possible for people to tag you with a bad reputation because of the way you appear but be a person of great character. Conversely, a good reputation can be a cover up for a bad character. Reputation is simply a good name/brand. But most importantly, our reputation must match our character.
Now, here is the true about Satan, our archenemy: HIS REPUTATION IS BAD BECAUSE HIS CHARACTER IS WORSE THAN HIS CHARACTER. Satan is a created being. He is therefore not self-existence or eternal. He is limited and finite. He does not know everything. There was a time when he was not, when began to exist. His creation was after the order of angels. The angels are not offspring of the family of relationship. All the tender emotions, trainings, sweetness, and growth of infancy are unknown to them. The pain and joy of childbirth are not theirs. Each angel was created, not born. Satan, then Lucifer, was created directly, and personally by God. As an angel, Satan was created good---doubtless, very good with the name Lucifer. His purity as well as his exaltation were sources of congratulations, wonderment, and praise in heaven. But he became eternally corrupted through pride and arrogance. He was a very high-ranking angel that dwelt in the presence of God.
Make no mistake, Satan is a very intelligent being. Out of ignorance and arrogance, we sometimes call him stupid. He is the supreme architect of evil and wickedness. He wears disguises or mask, but his objectives lie in only one direction. He is double faced but never double minded, never undecided, vague, or feeble in his purposes or ends. He has no irresolution, hesitancies, or aimless actions ever springs from him. He is a great manager! He manages bad men and his host of demons. Satan is an indirect, sinister, and world manager. He is not forgetfulness. If you are dealing with such an opposition, you cannot afford to be callous, careless, naïve, indiscipline, forgetful, and irresponsible.
How did the USA September 11, 2001, incident occur? It was through a carefully designed long-term plan. The terrorists legally migrated to the USA, learned the language, went to American schools, integrated into the culture, patiently enrolled into piloting schools. Satan do not mind waiting for 30 years to implement his diabolical agendas. Unfortunately, most believer cannot even wait for a year, they quit praying or standing a ground on an issue they know is the right thing to do.